As you all know, is down... what the heck do I use now if I want to post a map or two?!
...So I download the image from and upload it to photobucket or imageshack? Seems fair enough. Am I missing anything?
Yup that's it. I know what you're talking about, but eh, yeah too much effort. Plus this way their servers stop getting hit so hard.
Uhh, it works perfectley for me, i used it to post my latest map and it works just fine. The thumbnail doesnt pop up but just click on Full Size Image, and copy and paste that and there ya go, it works
TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing Geese, it's like if one thing goes down there is no hope. Please think before you post.
About <5% of all your posts should come from your own maps, so whether or not I can post currently shouldn't make a difference. Edit: Oh yeah... your Imageshack says in fine print "subscribe for $8/month". And I don't feel like downloading the necessary content to make photoshop work. Thanks but no thanks, I guess. Second Edit: TinyPic looks appropriatly simple. Is it as simple as signing up and uploading pictures via home page? Or is there a hidden fee somewhere?
There no hidden fee and you don't have to sign up, I recommend tinypic. Its the fastest and most simple out there.