I got bored, so I spent 3 hours making this... This one took another 4 hours... To make these, I first traced a screenshot,drawing on top of it using a different layer. Then I put all the little markings in to add texture, also on its own layer. Next I did the shading (each color on its own layer). And finally, I exported it as a *png (merged all visible layers and kept transparency).
i get into little projects like these all the time. i've spent entire days tweaking my computer art creations.
LOL... sweet man! *xXmooregamesXx hands Project a Graphics Portfolio. Now you just need to fill it out. Lol, you really should. You are looking pretty awesome at all these Graphics things...
I have to say that I like the second one a lot better. Maybe because the Orange guy flailing around reminds me of Grif from RvB?