Sandbox Squads on Kwads

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by DieHardAssassin, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Squads on Kwads
    Created by DieHardAssassin

    The last squads on quads was created foundry by DieHardAssassin, Speed e Cake, RedShadow1337, and IvIercinator (whom of which placed a single propane tank), and it soon became a TGIF classic.


    The gametype is almost more important than the map itself, actually, it is. There are two squads... on quads.

    both quads... have a two person squad.
    One Driver, One sword swinger.

    So what I'm saying is that there are 4 zombies.

    Recommended players are 10-16. The more the merrier.

    In the last squads on quads, there was a switch incorporated and several equipment one could use to evade the squads.
    This version has much more equipment, which outputs even better gameplay. But, everything never respawns.

    There are several ways to kill the humans as the zombies,
    -Fire Splatter
    -Explosive Splatter
    -Man Cannon Splatter
    -Random equipment failures resulting in kills (Somehow)

    No killing the zombies if they fall off the mongoose, and if you shoot them, don't worry, because you do no damage anyways.

    Heres some pictures for you visual types.


    The Spawn

    Blue Kwad

    Red Kwad

    When you hit the switch (The big pillar in the middle)...

    This Happens. Giving you access to trip mines.

    Corner 1, Corner 3 is the same

    Corner 2

    Corner 4

    Fire Grenades

    The Power-Drain in use

    Using the sword is your best bet

    Dodgin dem craazy KWADS

    Maybe not..

    Like a deer in the headlights

    The Fire Splatter Potential is there

    Fire + Mongoose Ram= Dead Elite

    Download MAP
    Download GAME

  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Epicalium! You've been posting alot of maps recently, and you truly are a mini-game genius. Just don't flood the forums, as I couldn't stand for you being banned and miss another one of your maps. 4/5.
  3. ducky buddy

    ducky buddy Ancient
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    Looks good for a team slayer gametype, but I think they're aren't enough weapons. Anyway, good job on the map itself. 4/5.
  4. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Its terrible for a team slayer gametype, are you kidding me. There isn't supposed to be weapons, its a mini-game. You must be illiterate.
  5. meepmaster

    meepmaster Ancient
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    It's a good concept, but wouldn't it be easy for zombies to lose if they stay on mongooses? even if your invisible you still can be seen driving...
    #5 meepmaster, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2009
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Wow, this looks like it could turn out to be a lot of fun. Im definately downloading it. I do have a question though; does the fire make your splatters more deadly, or is it just cool to kill somebody when your burning?
  7. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    When you hit someone while on fire, even just tap them, it's an instant kill.

    The point is to stay on the mongooses, which is what makes it a minigame and fun. The point of invis is to make it look like the back zombie is riding a chariot or something.
  8. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Another great Foundry map on Sandbox that can can go toe to toe with the original! This Squads map is very different from the other one that we worked on together from almost a year ago, a new release system, new equipment and power ups (that all should've been in the original ;P). This map looks different, but keeps that random, crazy, intense, and awesome gameplay that Squads on Quads strives on. The switch is somewhat more advanced than the previous, but still does the trick. Very good, map, for a very good gametype.

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