I fancy a bit of experimentation with music editing. I'd like to be able to change elements of music as well as blend different tracks together, so i would need software capable of loading more than one song at once. Can anyone recommend some good, easy to use software? Preferably free.
This is the only good audio editior ive ever seen: GoldWave - Audio Editor, Recorder, Converter, Restoration, & Analysis Software considering i have nothing to compare it to, it might not be that great.
Any that look a bit prettier to use? I remember my brother having one or two on his laptop when he was manager at a club and they were cool. A bit more colourful and pretty, and i remember one having a vinyll disc to spin.
Pro-Tools 8 is the top of the line in professional music creation. Not sure if it is exactly what you're looking for though. Digidesign - The Industry Leader in Digital Audio and Live Sound BTW, not free.
I go to a school with a lot of guitarist and... I guess you would call them "rappers." And they all use Audacity, I've used it quite a few times and it's was fairly simple to use. Audacity is the best, free program you can get as far as I know.
i use audacity also, but it does not do what you are looking for. It would be helpful for me to know your operating system so i can find a better piece of software for what you are doing...
This. Try Mixcraft. Our school uses it and I think it looks somewhat like Garageband. It's a prettier thing than Audacity.