Mythic DLC Scarab NG 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Aesthetic Forger, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    Scarab NG 2
    Long version of description, for those who are willing to climb the great wall of china, this wall isn't actually that great but whatever.

    Long awaited by many people, especially friends of mine on XBL, and even me while i tried to figure out this new ghost merge i believe its called. I believe that this is going to be my last one due to how extremely accurate it is, and I honestly don't think anyone is going to be making a better one, considering no one even makes scarabs anymore, but this is probably my last. In all truth, i hate my first Scarab: NG now because when i look at it there's so much things wrong with it, so i decided to make a new one. Unfortunately this one doesn't explode because i hate infinite money canvases, so i don't use them and i ran out of money on this one.... Anyway, no more wraith turret, it actually has the gun turret on it now. I made a extremely accurate head, and the legs are 10x better than they were before. Some of the things i wanted to correct with Scarab: NG were that the back legs are actually attached to the sides of the ramp up to the gun turret. This scarab has the third floor, unlike my previous. Of course there are some bumps here and there, but all in all I hope for this to be my first feature. ^__^ Enjoy.

    Short version for those who don't read and just go to the pictures, at least read this

    This new scarab, Is probably my last. It includes, extremely accurate head, inside, main body, legs, and the new gun turret which i have never attempted at making until now.


    Front sorta.. pic just looked cool from that angle xD

    Left side

    Right side

    New leg design, best i can come up with



    Casually jump through that portal in the ring, and you get into the turret where there's a fuel rod waiting for you.


    You can get in the head as usual, through two ways.

    Via a hole above the ramp on the left side.

    Or the turret on the other side of the wall in the inside

    A gauss hog is in the head, and it can shoot a pretty good amount of the empty space in front of the Scarab.

    Unfortunately this one doesn't explode because i ran out of money and I hate unlimited money canvases, so there's just a wall where the power core would be.

    And of course the creator :) MEEEE

    Final notes
    The majority of the scarab was made before the new Ghost Merge I believe it's called. The head was made using almost 100% ghost merging. I actually went through two designs for the legs, and one design for the head before i finished it up with these designs. Enjoy.

  2. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    that looks pretty sick.. and all the things it can do like the original scarb, like shoot that beam out top.. i see no diffrence
    looks overall beast.
  3. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    Pretty intense, i really liked your first one although at first i really didnt see the point of making a second one. But now i see the light, its just beautiful man ill dl this and check it out sometime. Although i think you shoulda infinite money glitched it at the end, its still pretty tight. good job man
  4. l PATRICK l

    l PATRICK l Ancient
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    nice map, but im still trying to understand the payablility part, is there just tons of sniping and long range rockaterring? or is just shooting the beam out the top, either way i always love the original one you made, so congrats!
  5. geranamo

    geranamo Ancient
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    Hey remember me!! Just kidding. (I made the other scarab which you seemed to not like) :( :S Anyways good job on this scarab. Even thought this scarab is really really good, I still like mine better, but that's all opinion. Anyways I really like the frozen walking pose you gave it and the head on the front looks incredible. The only thing I would change is making the back legs spaced out just a little bit farther away from each other...but that's it. Nicely done :)
    Just a side note: My scarab map was the first aesthetic map I have ever made.
    Also that ghost merging sounds interesting. If could send me a message about that, that would be great!
    I'd like you to think of me as a buddy who admires your maps. Who knows maybe we could even forge together; it's nice knowing other good forgers out there :)
  6. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    ... In the final pic, is that really you? Because I know a guy who attatches "NG" to all his maps... Nathon Green. And if you happen to be that Nathon Green then please reply to my XBL message and tell me if you worked on my map or not.

    But if you're not him... then great. This map is great, it's an exact replica. My only complaint is being an aesthetic map it doesn't have much cover in front of it, and it doesn't take advantage of gametypes. In my opinion the teleporters should go and you should use that extra space to add an attacker's base and some cover.
  7. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    No he uses NG for New Generation. Nathon Green uses it for... well Nathon Green! Hope that clears confution.
  8. ducky buddy

    ducky buddy Ancient
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    VERY VERY nice!!!! I have played on countless scarab maps and very few have had designs close enough to this. You did a good job with the geomerging and making it look like a scarab! 10/10
  9. Wizzer69Gizzer

    Wizzer69Gizzer Ancient
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  10. Madz

    Madz Ancient
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    Amazing i really think this is the best scarab map on the hub 5/5 wish it had environment around it though
  11. avocado100

    avocado100 Ancient
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    This is a great map. It looks really realistic. What is ghost merging anyways?
  12. meepmaster

    meepmaster Ancient
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    it looks very well forged and I like how you have two of its' legs up in the air like it's walking
  13. Aesthetic Forger

    Senior Member

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    You should give me your sig with the achievement unlocked lol. Ghost merging is this new merge that makes the object no clip, go to forge discussion forum and its listed in a thread named New Forge Glitch

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