i've seen this before, i thought it was pretty exciting... Somebody told me today that the yo-yo was originally invented as a weapon. can anybody verify this?
That was pretty insane. Hahahahahhahaha man thats funny. That would be crazy if it was true. Someone look it up!
think about it, whipping a yo-yo around somebody's neck would be bad ass. If this guy messes up, the yo-yo cuts his head off. Ness anybody?
If it's a completely useless ability that will never impact your life in any significant way, there is a 10 year old Japanese kid that is the best at it.
I can do this one move call Bikini bottom and top, or something along the lines of that. Except my yo-yo broke a while ago.
oh but you're underestimating the power of a yo-yo... when we find out things like rubik's cubes, World of Warcraft, through the fire and flames on expert, air guitar, and yo-yo's are all super weapons secretly being used by asians in an underground plot to take over the world i'm laughing at you, then just laughing in general.
And you forgot to add... Who cares, it's F***ING COOL =D That's was amazing, he probably won money out of it anyway? So... For him, that talent wasn't useless. Isn't playing Halo just as useless? Well I guess not so much for the guys winning money at MLG =\ Hmm guess you're right, completely useless...
In the Philippines, the yo-yo was a weapon for over 400 hundred years. Straight from Wikipedia.. Take it for what it's worth though.
i wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley he could give me yo-yo burn or something... or maybe try to attack my with the string
I didn't mean to discount it, it's definitely impressive and fun to watch,I was just kinda making a joke about Japanese kids that are,for some weird reason,incredible at everything. As far as useless,yeah it's a useless real world ability because it's a game and isn't going to impact the world very much. Is it good for him? Sure,he had fun and probly made a few bucks. Nothing that broke the bank I am sure. MLG players range in age but are for the most part young and I am sure they aren't planning on playing Halo 3 for a living for the rest of their lives. But for now? More power to them.