Download Link-Spooky Required DLC-Mythics Map-Sandbox Description-This map is your desire for camping and killing zombies for infection on halo 3. Just~like~this! Ok heres the map- Sorry about no wepon list theres just to many i put on, and also i haven't been playing on it for a while....
One other thing if you continue posting your maps like this Mods might lock them and infractions will follow please fix these. I will edit if you fix them
Seriously. Get your own pics and for god's sake READ THE RULES. I hate it when new members do this EVERY time. I know that some of you know how to read. It's common sense people.
Seriously kid, stealing maps? Like is it that hard to sit in english or math and think of an idea for a simple halo map? The worst possible thing is to STEAL a map, but anyways welcome to forgehub hope you no whats its like to have an unfriendly welcome, and by the way, people at forgehub like myself don't take to liking those who steal maps as your own.
If you read his post he said this picture isn't his. But still man you don't have to have open slots to take pictures they show up in your recent screenshots list. It's really not that hard and btw there is a rule thread that tells you how to post a map correctly.
To see how to better post your thread go here To get embedded screenshots go to here. Currently it is down but when it starts working again go to and type in your gamertag on the right and it will pull up all the pics you have made then use the link for the pic. It is the easier way.
Maybe you should actually read the post before making stupid comments. He said it's not his picture. Spell better and read the WHOLE post before making retarded comments. He said it's not his picture.
I swear ashden, you must either be the biggest idiot this community's seen in a longggg time, or just too ignorant and lazy to read the bloody rules. But here's some advice, and you'd better listen. Stop spamming posts of maps, esp. when their not even close to the forge hub standards. I know your new, but not that new, and even still you could read the rules or just listen to all of the suggestions and help you've been offered to fix your posts. But honestly, I just think you don't give a **** at all and wont bother using a second of your time to touch up even one thing about these posts. This picture isn't even of your map, like wtf? how retarded are you m8? So stop being lazy and stop wasting peoples good time and either post decently, or don't post at all. And I'll tell you something too kid, you don't get recognized on here by posting crap posts and half decent maps, you get recognized by making creative, unique and inventive fun maps and then having a very well laid out post. No one on here cares how many maps you post, what people care about is the quality of the maps and posts. Fame doesn't come easy kid, nor without work, and so far you have done **** all to deserve even an ounce of it.