I just looked at the progression pictures...****ING AMAZING (first time I've sworn on FH). If this doesn't get into matchmaking I will be dissapointed. (assuming gameplay is good)
That assumed gameplay image is incorrect now. Actually it has been changed alot, however, I cannot upload new pictures because my xbox won't freakin' connect to my wireless network. ARGENFLARGEN. I'll update it when I can.
This map keeps looking better and better. Every update makes me a little happier =) Almost to the point where i go :squirrel_wtf: Anyway, did you keep the idea where it involved two people to plant the bomb (the second simply to hit the first?) I reall dont know whether or not that should be kept, and is definately something that needs to be tested. It may improve gameplay or simply mess it up. Anyway, cant wait for your internet to work. This seems like its almost done, which means your'e doing a very good job. We all hope its as good as it looks.
Oooh, I'll work with that Idea. Thank you. The two-person-plant is no longer. It did not work. Situation: Red Team Player A: Has bomb and runs to plant point. Blue Team Player A: Kills other red team members Red Team Player A: Waits annoyed at plant-point trying not to die. Red Team Player B: Finally arrives at bomb plant point and launches Player A over the plant point. Frustration emerges. That's not going to be happening, you can plant the bomb solo. I'm not understanding my Xbox, my internet works fine, I just can't find my network on my xbox's list. >=( And I believe there should only be one more period of testing with Nokyard and Grifball.com before I have a public release. Thanks for the support.
You have linksys? If so, then you overloaded your connection (i.e. streaming 5mb of video on a 4mb connection.) You can fix this by resetting it. Other than that, try looking for a hidden connection or just connect manually. If you do that last one, go to support.xbox.com and see the steps neccesary to configure your router to allow your xbox access. If this doesnt help, i dont know what to do, other than make sure your password is correct.
Thanks Yoyo, I'll look into it. Note that the photos I uploaded I took like four days ago, my xbox still isn't able to get online... >=( Anyway, re-read the first post. Updates.
looking good, love the new name i should be on Saturday evening for a test, hopefully you will fix your connection issues by then
yea, sorry we had 4 xbox and 7 players in the house for an ODST LAN all weekend i don't know if you got my last message - in the last test someone suggested placing starting spawns where the spawns are now, and respawns closer to the bomb plants - it is very hard to defend as they are placed now
this is still awsome have you submited to roosterteeth's Grifball yet? this would definatly get in and it might even have its own sub-catigory
I'll be sure to change that to see how it plays. I'll send you a new DL message. Thanks, and no. I'm not submitting this anywhere until it is 100% through the testing period.
I think I am going to just find a group of friends to test this so I can release it, The latest version has been ready for four weeks with barely any communication between myself and you. I want to get this released.
Sorry about not getting back to you, i have been busy putting the final touches on the different versions of the Winter League map. Once that is done i will gather all of the community supplied variants and give each a full test. The only problem i can see at this time is that it is still difficult to make goal line stops, even with the spawns moved closer. I have a few ideas as to how to improve this so try to find me online tomorrow. There is still another month before i make any recommendations so there is time to work on the map.
one idea i had to fix this was to forget about how the spawns are usually placed, and to come up with something new that works for this specific map you could line the spawns in front of the goals and turn them 45° to face the center, and opposing goal this diagram is crude but i hope it gets the point across, the 'Q' represent the spawns and the direction they face, the ||| represents the slope of the side ramp ___________ end wall__________ ||| ||| Q ||| ||| Q ||| ||0 - goal ||| ||| Q ||| ||| Q ||| ||| ||| ||| ||| |||X bomb pickup||| ||| |||