Sandbox Sentry

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Crypt0117, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. Crypt0117

    Crypt0117 Ancient
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    Updated: This map has been updated and many of the suggestion you wanted to see have been implemented, so please give it a try.

    This is my third map in the sky bubble of sandbox. It is designed primarily for slayer, team slayer and CTF. Best played with 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3. It is a 5 level map that plays very fast.​




















    Please give it a try.​
    #1 Crypt0117, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  2. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    Nice, I always love to see a large multi-level map. You did an excellent job with placement and merging. These are the type of asymmetrical maps that get featured. I will download this when i get my xbox back, mean while i would love to see another map of this kind maybe a 3rd level or something. Keep up the great forging! 10/10
  3. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    At least say something about the map

    Anyway this is one of my fav maps i download this afvo and i found it very easy to move around, i had a few matches on it already with 5 other players it is very well spaced out for weapons and equipment. The other thing is about how you use multi levels that is an exerlent idea not many people go for this idea because it takes a lot more work and man hours to complete

    5/5 for gameplay and everything
  4. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Flawless Crafting, the design takes full advantage of all of Sandbox's pieces, and the gameplay follows nicely. So it's nice 5/5. 9.5/10.
  5. oO Heartless Oo

    oO Heartless Oo Ancient
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    Not Bad Looking

    Not BadNot Bad At All Over All Good Looking and a very nice post
  6. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    this map is leetsauc. i dl'd it, but haven't tried it out yet. it kinda reminds me of lockout [blackout], with the the 2 closed-in rooms and paths moving around a center structure. even the weapon layout is similar to blackout. is this a coincidence, or did you plan it this way?

    and you might want to add the number of frags and plasmas/brute grenades. and you should probably add the respawn rates and clips for the weapons. and i think this map could use some "in-depth" pics- like inside one of the buildings or the lower floor if possible. and action shots. they help show the intensity or strategical-ness [wut] of the map.
  7. ducky buddy

    ducky buddy Ancient
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    This kind of reminds me of Orbital for some weird reason?? Rofl well anyway good job on the map mate, but I think you should add maybe 1 rocket or a shotgun? Something for the oldschool noobs.
  8. meepmaster

    meepmaster Ancient
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    I see 4 levels, I might be blind, but I dont see the 5th lol. Anyway, it looks pretty good and I like your base designs, good light use.
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I jumped around on this yesterday for a little bit and have some comments for you. The design seems solid (only did a forgethrough, no gameplay yet), but you might want to reconsider allowing players to get up on top of the bases so easily. It seems like I'm breaking the map but I'm guessing that you made it that way intentionally. My recommendation is to lose that aspect to allow players to focus on the rest of the map's rather nice layout. There are plenty of areas for players to move through without having to potentially screw it up gameplay-wise by having some douche with a sniper picking you off from up top (I can see every aspect of the map from up there, and could easily duck back temporarily without having to leave the area entirely if I were fired upon). That's my biggest gripe about the layout, everything else looks like it would play very well.

    Spawn points need a lot of work. You've got them facing walls and even worse, pointing towards open areas where you'll fall off the map. As a general rule, you want to give a player a couple of seconds of forward travel before having to make any lateral movements. When I place spawn points, I stand where I want to spawn, then turn to monitor and place/rotate the spawn point in that direction. It takes a bit of extra time, but it's well worth it in the long run.

    Anyway, just wanted to pop in an offer my two cents. When I get a game on here I'll be back with more feedback. Overall this seems like a well-designed map, it just needs a few more tweaks (definitely the spawns). Good luck, man.
  10. Crypt0117

    Crypt0117 Ancient
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    Thanks everyone, I love the suggestions and will get to them as soon as possible.

    The weapons choosen for this map were based on Guardian primarily.

    The 5 levels are based on the different "planes" the each level occupies. So you have the bottom level where the sword is at(1st), then that transitions to the next level where the bubble shield, regenators and plasma pistols are located(2nd), then that takes you to the level were the maulers and the short tunnels are(3rd),then from there you can jump up to the center platform where the sniper is(4th) and finally inside each base would be the 5th level.

    Thanks for the spawn recommendations squidhands and also the comments about being able to get to the top of the bases and just camping with the sniper. I am considering your comments greatly but I would like more input about these particular points from others before I update this map.

    Thanks again.
    #10 Crypt0117, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2009

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