Download Link-HighSpeed Created 9.11.2009 by xXAshden14Xx Map DLC-Mythic maps Map: Sandbox This is great map for racing pls download Havefun This is for the admistrators for forge hub im am not spamming this map this is a map i made on my second account if you wish to know pls send a message to you on it. The racetrack- In this race track theres jumps that make you pee yourself! Cause there so fun!
You need to embed at least one screenshot into your thread. It is recommended that you have more than one. In order to do so, you need to: Create a Photobucket account Create screenshots for the map in custom games Download the screenshots from click the shot, download it) Upload it to Photobucket Copy/Paste IMG codes. If you have any more questions, PM me.
I know your a noob so just fix your post or read over the posting rules.. but at least you figured how to post a map..
I went through your second account, checked your pics, and couldn't even find on in Foundry, much less a racetrack. Luckily, i checked your first account, found the pic, uploaded it to my Photobucket page, and embedded it for you. EDIT: to add it to the original post, click Quote under my post, copy the stuff with the IMG tags, go back to your post, hit edit, and paste it in place of where you had the url from Bungie.