I'm planning on making a walkthrough soon just to get the first skull because a lot of people are getting stuck at some parts... But I'm not going to make one for the secret skull until someone gets it.
Um, nevermind about the grav lift part, I figured it out, but I also found a massive break. I can quite easily get the rockets to the hub, thus allowing me to rocket jump and easily unblock teleporters for the rest of the map. Sorry, but you'll probably have to fix this one. I'll send you a video when I get the time to make one.
I made a v3, so everyone that already downloaded it should download v3. It's not necessary, but if you don't want to break the map this way, you should.
How the heck do you get that Grav lift, that's under the shield door close to the power up. And do you need to shoot the chopper with the Rocket Launcher? I really don't get it, seriously OMG! Oh and btw, nice map man. You could almost say this could be in the astetics, just because it looks so nice and clean, and interseting. 5/5 just because this is one of the hardest puzzle maps ever. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhh, i'm going insane!!!
I finally made the video walkthrough for all the people that can't figure it out some of the puzzles. I posted it in the main post right under the hints.
Ha, Mander found a break in your puzzle? Yeah he does that. What a jerk. Lol, jk Mander. Oh, and tough puzzle. I couldn't get past the chopper part and just watched your walkthrough. Good thing too, there is no way in hell I would have solved this entire thing on my own.
Congratulations to Abrman, he was the first person to get the secret skull! I will upload the video of how to get it shortly.
I got past the first building thing(it was great btw) but I can't figure out how to do anything in the hub.
OOoooo i've been loking for a map like this. Looks very challenging, you got my download, I would suggest you make it a little longer though, just throwing it out there. 5/5