First time I opened PSCS4 I made this. Golly this program is weird. And there's soooo much **** to choose from! It never ends! I'm seriously considering buy this.
Cheese and Crackers you made a good signature! CNC : Very well done, thought I don't like that bird figure on the right, and it also seems kind of bland on the right side. Don't really like the Text. I would try to 'longate' the effect near his arm, just because it's freaking tight.
You must have some sort of other experience in sig making cuz that's incredible for a first photoshoped sig.. I guess I don't really like the random white specks on the screen.. maybe it's supposed to be sand or something.. I'd also make the text different, I mean just HALO is kinda basic, I must admit. Otherwise, very very well done for a 1st photoshop sig. Nice!
May I suggest you use PS for now on? I mean you make great stuff in GIMP, but there are other ways to attain PS.
Yeah loshon, get PS. This is great! Lots of negative space, but the effects are great for a first one in PS.
Hehe, yes, I've been doing GIMP stuff for about a year now. But yeah, I've got the free trial and I plan on working with it some more tonight. I'm trying to get it for less than $200, but we'll see. My friend got it for pretty cheap so I'll ask him.