I thought I would post this because I just got incredibly pissed off in a game of doubles. First here's my story: So I go into doubles by myself because I'm bored. First game me and another guy play a game of 1 flag on blackout. We win 2-0. Pretty easy game and I go up from a 23 to 24. Kd spread was +6 I think. Next game I play I get with a guy who obviously has a second account. The game was team brs on blackout. We raped the other team and I was about +5. I wasn't expecting to go up and I didn't. Keep in mind that I have been around a 23 or 24 for a long time, just little games like losing buy 1 kill keep bringing me back down. I usually do pretty well. So the next game I get 1 decent looking guys on my team and 2 ok guys on the other team. The game is 1 flag on epilogue. The game starts out and I head for the shotgun because we are on defense. I go there to find it has already been taken. I go up to our flag to quick protect it but I get raped by who else but the guy with the shotgun. I look at my teammate while I'm respawning and see him crouching nearby the other team with invis and sniper. I thought he would probably kill them. So I spawn and head over there by him. I see the flag carrier and start to kill him, but then his teammate pops up from behind me and kills me. I was a little bit frustrated but I thought that my teammate would kill them. Then I look at him and he is still crouching around the map very close to other team. Then they bring the flag back and score a point. I was pretty pissed that he didn't get off his ass and kill the two guys which he could've easily done. Then the next round starts and he quits. 3 rounds by myself and I just get raped over and over again because they always had every power weapon and all the equipment on they're side. I really didn't have a chance because I'm no general or anything. I keep getting screwed over, I would throw a grenade at one and hit them but every ****ing time they just happened to have a regen/bubble shield/overshield. Then the other would come with a rocket/shotgun/sniper and kill me. I was super pissed but I tried to calm myself down by thinking I'll be over it in 5 minutes. Then I go back to the lobby to see I'm back down to a 23. Is that fair at all? The experience/ranking system is so horrible in halo. It's so bad they keep the ranking system a secret. It's also gay that people can't join in the middle of games so maybe I could've gotten a little help. Call of Duty has the perfect system for this so it's almost always fair. Did bungie really put any thought into there ranking system? Obviously not enough. Here are some vids I made as a joke with my friends. Half serious/half joke: YouTube - Why We Hate Bungie YouTube - Why We Still Hate Bungie YouTube - Yes, We Still Hate Bungie YouTube - 21 Reasons To Hate Bungie
Don't hate Bungie. Bungie made Halo... if it wasn't for Bungie, you probably wouldn't have a reason to hate them. /nosense
Listen kid. Don't blame Bungie. They made Halo and thats all the explanation I need to say to confirm that they are a gift from god. Bungie made the game but blame Microsoft made Xbox LIVE. COD and Gears have the same problems and when you play on LAN that never happens. I am sorry that you can except the fact that you got unlucky but you lost. Practice and become better and you won't have to deal with this. When shots don't restister its becasue you don't have host (9 out of 10 times). On the host's screen it says he is behind the wall. Don't spam threads with this garbage. Practice, learn statagies, outsmart your opponents. Don't run up and melee them because they can counter it by a melee themselves or by running away.
So i herd you thought games were COMPLETELY 100% bug free, and workers love using hours upon hours to work things out, and then they still get nay-sayers to complain? I see where this is going so ill stop there...
I find it incredibly pathetic how childish people can act when they play Halo. Notice how Bungie puts up with the most crap when they make the best game. Someone is trying to rank up, but they lost so they blame Bungie for the "broken system" ITS NOT BUNGIE'S SYSTEM, ITS MICROSOFTS!!! Its even more childish when the person that is constantly whining about how they hate Bungie, but they continue to play Halo... It is unbelievably hypocritical. If you hate Bungie, dont play their game. If you hate Bungie, but still play the game, then you are an idiotic, moronic, hypocritical, short-fused, (etc) waste of a soul... and most of these reasons on "why we hate Bungie" that isnt related to rank is due to terrible connection.... Nice way to generalize that all issues based on connection are because Bungie didnt work hard enough...
Halo 3 is one of the few games that does not have bullet lag. Sorry man, but I think it's pretty idiotic to complain. What you don't realize is that the game IS right. But the animations are wrong. So if you miss, and it plays the animation for blood, you still missed. Unlike Gears of War, where if you hit them, but the animation shows you missed, you missed. Halo 3 = Client Side Hit Detection Look it up noob.
Couple of solutions for you: Get together a team. If you're as good as you say people would love to have you on a team. Find another game. Look for a game that is perfect, oh wait, there is none. Play customs. While it doesn't have a ranking system, it still gives you the satisfaction of winning, and you can pick the teams. In most custom games, people who you play you know and that means not playing, not helping, and joking around will be kept to a minimum. Most of the things you complain about Bungie can do nothing about. Your ignorance in this matter shows how little you really know about Bungie and the system. Don't blame Bungie, it's your bad luck that you get bad partners, but everyone has to deal with it and they all got where they are by doing good and making up for their teams faults. Sorry to say, but there are nearly no reasons you should hate Bungie, and if you do have a reason, make sure it's a good one unlike this one.
Microsoft came up with true skill actually. Don't complain to Bungie about Halo's ranking system. If it wasn't for bungie FH wouldn't be here.
You almost had me convinced that Bungie sucked for a second. Then I remembered that Microsoft made the true skill ranking system and realized that you're just one of those elitist Call of Duty fan boys trying to compare two completely different games together in an attempt to make the game you support seem better than it really is. I give you C+ for the effort. Try to do some background research before you attempt to do anything liek this.
Sorry, but Halo's ranking system is actually very well thought out, and COD's is pretty shitty on top of that. I don't think you quite understand what you're talking about.
haha great thread, that kid got his asshole reamed cleaned. (not to sure if that made sense) either way getting bad teammates is part of the halo experience what would halo be with out it? and as everyone else said get good enough where bad teammates dont matter. but back ontopic i do have to say i hate bungie for implanting elites into multiplayer. that ,to me atleast, was bungies worst mistake they have ever made.
i never played halo 2 online, only 4 people on 1 screen, i never knew they had elites in multiplayer on h2
Locked, you can't complain about Bungie on a site that is a direct result of them creating Halo. Silly Goose.