Description: wat could of turned out great but bungie decided to put dinosaurs into halo3. Edit: i got the video working.. here it is YouTube - Halo 3 Epic Fail (HD)
That sucks. Would have been an extermination because it was MLG objective and it hadn't been ten seconds since the first kill. However, I think you had time to try a quickscope.
It's a video game. Get over it. Besides, it's not Bungies fault you cant kill an Elite. You could of quick-scoped. You could of also, if you were good enough, been able to shoot it twice no scope and it would be down. You also had two frag grenades so you easily could have tossed a frag in there in an attempt to kill him. You have no one to blame but your self for something as simple as this.
I think OP was joking dude, if he were serious he would have made a rant on the debate section. nice overkill OP EDIT: Triple
My mistake then. Then again, it's hard to tell if he was or was not because people really do act like that.
no, im not really ranting or anything. its just this stuff happens to me all the time and i wanted to share it with u guys.