i am .. for a number of reasonss: new maps, new campaign, firefight, beta reach. The #1 reason is for the new multiplayer maps. they look cool.
Lol...Why wouldn't you? Its a bungie made game which = Good game. Plus it has Halo Zombies which is most of the reason why I play CoD WaW so hey mine as well get it because you'll be very bored on Halo 3. Anyway yes I'm getting it, I just only pre ordered it last Friday. I got lazy
ya u betta go preorder it soon before its too late and then ull have to wait 2 months after the release date. trust me buy it its goonna b great.
I cannot wait for this game (Im getting it). Just today I convinced another person to buy ODST when it comes out.
I'm getting it, just a little later than everyone else. My birthday is around that time (October 10th) so I'm just gonna wait and get it then.
me!I am! EDIT: List of gamertags for those who are getting it- ExtreemKablooie Shock Theta KILLn Machine12 Adelyss AmercanPsycho MetaWaddleDee RedNeckSniper93 Wood Wonk Doctor G33K rifte gifle I Fastforward I RaBBiiTTT XxChrOniKxX SaytanicHorde Sentinal Gate RedFlagRenegade ER1C0 Conkerkid11 David White A Duckyz Camel Carcass (?) RebornYeti SmokinWaffle TehRandomBoi
I pre-order a couple of weeks ago. Its a good thing I am homeschooled I can play ODST as soon as I get it.
I pre-ordered it Tuesday... then I'll have it sent to my grandma's (I don't trust any of my friends lol), then she'll ship it internationally over here... just to get it about 10 days after its release.