Guide to the blackout sky effect

Discussion in 'Screenshot Guides' started by sothe4963, May 4, 2009.

  1. sothe4963

    sothe4963 Ancient
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    Okay so everyone's been wanting to know how to do it, so I decided to tell. What is it you ask though? It is the effect on black out that allows you to spell stuff out in different colors like this:
    Ok so here what you do.
    1. Go onto blackout in forge.
    2. Look up above the air lift to where the smokes coming out, now hold stairs up above that building and infront of the smoke, then save and end to make it hover.
    3. Go back in the game then put bridges across the stairs so you have more room to write, and spawn the effect juicy.
    4. Start to write out what ever you want with weapons, but remember it has to be backwards.
    5. Once you have it spelled out just the way you want save, then delete the bridges and stairs, so the weapons alone will be hovering. NO NOT DELETE THE BRIDGES AND STAIRS THEN SAVE, BECAUSE IF YOU DO YOUR WEAPONS WILL JUST FALL.
    6. Go stand on the br tower and shoot and weapon across the map towards sniper tower area. for different color shot different colored weapons, for green a fuel rod gun or plasma pistol(which also makes purple?), plasma riffle for blue, laser for red you get the idea.
    7. Now go into theater. Look through the weapons blast towards the weapons hovering in front of the smoke, if done right just the weapons show glow that color.

    And just so people won't ask me where these places are i decided to post a pic with where they are.
    Red=The smoke
    Yellow=Where to put the stairs
    Blue=Where to stand while shooting
    Green=Which direction to shoot

    Now hopefully with a bit of practice you can be making awesome screen shots like this:

    ...your welcome lol
  2. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is a very good, much more advanced way to do the Blackout Sig effect! Thank you very much, sothe, we really appreciate it!

    And that Fail one is just too good.
  3. X taco king X

    X taco king X Ancient
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    Yea, BLack would know! HE helft me and a buddy out with 3 different effects to make names.

    It looks great this is way better than the ones you do in the other sky area.
  4. Digitaldrug

    Digitaldrug Ancient
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    Great guide man, thank you for sharing.

    Heres what i made with it.

    My only problem with it is that the smoke can be really thin at some places so some of the screen shots u take get blended in with the back ground. Thats easily fixable.

    Once again, great tut 5/5
  5. jhood

    jhood Ancient
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    can anyone post the forge map for this because im not really good in forge
  6. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh good golly i think i jizzed my self.

    Anyways, i love the fail one at the end. Very.....Retro.

    Much better than the old way.
    #6 DC, May 9, 2009
    Last edited: May 11, 2009
  7. LILhustlin77

    LILhustlin77 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks that helps a lot
  8. DisturbedShifty

    DisturbedShifty Ancient
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    So why does the letter need to be backwards if you are looking through the blast at the lettering?
    #8 DisturbedShifty, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  9. Show7yme

    Show7yme Ancient
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    very nice new take on the blackout sky names
  10. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Youre making the letters top-down, but you will see these letters from under the letters, through the filters and explosions.
  11. DisturbedShifty

    DisturbedShifty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    So to be clear, say I want to write "Halo". When laying the letters out on bridges the top of the word "Halo" will actually be the bottom?
  12. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    no, the top will still be the top, but you will be viewing the word Halo from above.

    From above = "OlAH", left to right, bridge is under word.

    when taking pic = "HAlO", left to right, bridge is deleted, looking at this from under.

    (I used "HAlO" because i cant literally flip text in a forum...It was a very simple example.)

    Oh, and...
    **** You!
    Why the **** should I help a supporter of the biggest ref ****-up in the 08 season!?!?! Ravens (mah team) Shoulda WOn that!!!, jk. it's k.
    #12 Black Theorem, May 13, 2009
    Last edited: May 13, 2009
  13. pro sniper 326

    pro sniper 326 Ancient
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    map please

    lol im too simple to make this map can sum1 please email link or recamand to me my emails
  14. DestroyedHalo7

    DestroyedHalo7 Ancient
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    You guys should make the canvas map for us
  15. Maestro Monk

    Maestro Monk Ancient
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    Hey this tutorial is great. I have the canvas if anyone wants. I will try to remember to put it on my file share next time I'm on. My gt is Maestro Monk if anyone wants to see any of the pics I have made. All of the ones done on my share were made by me, as I have had multiple 1 month accounts. If you want to know how I did any of the effects, feel free to add me on XBL. Pls send a text message with it so I know who you are!

    I will put the map canvas on my account CPW B e a s T hopefully tomorrow morning. In the canvas you will find near bottom mid all the weapons that you can use, and you shoot them above the floating wall. This is the best spot to take the pics from. Good luck with the pics.

  16. ducky buddy

    ducky buddy Ancient
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    2 words, THANK YOU! I have tried at many attempts to make something like this and I couldnt figure out how i just kept using the color changes and flares and all that, but anyway thanks :) im gonna make a picture soon.

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