Mythic DLC The Mansion

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by xXAshden21Xx, Sep 16, 2009.

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  1. xXAshden21Xx

    xXAshden21Xx Ancient
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    Download Link-MANSION
    Required DLC-Mythic
    Description-This is a Huge House i made Lots of rooms. It's 4 stories high and has some furniture for you to mess with but this rest of the rooms are for you to design for your own creative creations. I made the living room, the bathroom, and a bedroom. This map can be perfect for machinimas.
    My House!!!!
    #1 xXAshden21Xx, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  2. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Don't post another map if you were told and realized that your first map post wasn't done correctly. If your screenshots are not loading or whatever, just wait until they are to post another map. Either that or go an retake the pictures.

    Are you using If so, there is a problem with the site, but there is a way to work around it. I'll explain it to you if that's your problem.
  3. Roy the Hunter

    Roy the Hunter Ancient
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    Are you trying to get downloads for something you didn't even make.... if you are fail... anyway it's illegal here go somewhere else to trick people into downloading a map that's already widely know...
  4. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    People go to stupid lengths to get downloads. There's no pay, no incentive, nothing whatsoever EXCEPT for the pride that you have that you made something people like. Which, here, you obviously did not.

    It's like bragging about a 50 when you had someone boost you for it. A 50 is solely FOR bragging rights. If you didn't get it legitimately, then you have nothing to brag about. Unless you're a two year old who can't comprehend that.
  5. xXAshden21Xx

    xXAshden21Xx Ancient
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    Are you ppl retarded!? i beg to frickin differ before you flame on me how bout look what i wrote below the picture!!!!!!!!!! it says this picture is not my house but spooky because i had no picture!!!!!! so how bout you back the Flip off!
    #5 xXAshden21Xx, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  6. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    Well the problem with that is this site has rules and the rules are we need at least one pic of YOUR map. We want to see what you have but if you want most people to take you seriously there are several things you need to do.
    Like add some pics a DL link and a description of your map. We are interested in what you made but you have to give us enough incentive to try it. People cant just DL every map posted here that said it was the best map ever. We would never have any room on our hard drives.
    EDIT: Also I wouldnt call the people who are looking and critiquing your map retarded...
    #6 VIBlackDragonIV, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  7. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    Well why would you post a picture of a map that isnt your map? Its called getting your own pics, ive seen plenty of your posts and all of the first ones people explained to you how to post pics, and yet you kept on posting maps, with no pics. Sure, now you have a pic, but its not even yours! If you want people to download your maps you gotta put some time and effort into your posts
  8. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Please give more pictures of the rooms, I don't want to spam but... you deserve to be told this over and over again.
  9. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    I think what he's trying to say is that he made a spooky house up top, and he made a model of his house in the crypt. His actual house in real life that is. I do believe he made both structures by himself.
  10. xXAshden21Xx

    xXAshden21Xx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok as i said many times i didnt remake spooky house my house is in the crypt..... and i did make it if you really want to not believe me on xbox live just message MarineCommand and ask if i made that house and you can see for yourself if you look in the sky theres no spooky house.... but in the crypt theres no replica of it either.... but my model of a house i made.....
  11. VIBlackDragonIV

    VIBlackDragonIV Ancient
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    Some people havent read your description because you do claim that the pic is not of your map.
    But that is our issue is that the only pics you have are of other peoples maps.
    You dont see McDonalds advertising the whopper. They dont have it. So you telling us that it is your map is great but unless you show us your map you will severly limit the number of DLs you get.
  12. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    Your trying to get your screens directly from bungie you cant do that it wont let you go to to get your screenshots. Just type in your gamertag and itll come up with you pics. Untill then i suggest you DONT post any more maps.
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