UPDATE I will most likely not be able ot use my xbox until december!!! The finish date will be moved if so!!! Yes I know there is already a Template Contest. Don't spam abou it either. I wanted to have my own. The Rules are. 1: You may not delete anything on the origonal template. 2: You may put in lifts in the Templates original items such as a mancannon. 3: You may budget glitch the map.( it is non budget Glitched Currently. 4: You must forge alone. EX: Jonny presents... BK mwmwmwmwmwmwm 5: You must make it fit three gametypes besides Slayer. Such as CTF, KOTH, and ODDBAll. 6: You must include the hole Template. 7: Deadline is october, 27, 2009. That is a wednesday. 8: You may only submit one map per entrant. 9: There is a minimum of 5 entrants for the prize to be valid. The Prize is a XBOX LIVE 3 month membership code. Here is your Template. And Here are your OverView's Download And UM..... Please Dont Bann this Moderators. Give it a go.
Hell dude why not. I can use a 3 month for sure! Okay dude, I'm just worried because the maps a little random, but I guess a challenge is good. No body else post here so I can win no matter what
Okay good, even though I'll probably finish my entry in one all nighter as usual and test it the next day like I do with every map I make.
Looks like a pretty good template. I have three concerns though. 1) Why is there that single box under the stairs? 2) Could we merge those fence walls into the wall? 3) Why are those random pieces of scenery by the Ghost? Can we delete those please? And a question: How far did you merge each box down? I'll probably start working on this once I get answers for these questions.
Alright, since you're not allowing any leeway to make the map better, I'm probably going to build off of the template but not submit it because I don't want those cones etc. and I want to merge those fence walls.
That prize is awesome, my brother needs a GT. Ill probably make a map for this someday. seems like the template is a bit random tho