I was reading a certain thread that will remain unnamed, I found out their are people out there that will not download a map because of the name, even if the map is one of the most amazing things they have seen. After I read that I started to wonder how many people won't download a map because of the name. To expand on this the map had great aesthetics and great game play, it also has been tested and tweaked to it's best. VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: The second option should be; If I don't like the name I won't download. (I exaggerated it a bit)
I truly dont care, as long as the gameplay is solid, the aesthetics are good and its just really fun i will download anything. Besides if it bothers people that much they can download it and change the name
As I stated in my thread, not wanting to associate with someone because of the colour of their skin or how they look as a person is practically the same as not wanting to play a map based on its name. Just because one person may not look cool or may be a different race than you doesn't mean they aren't a fun person to hang out or talk with and the same applies with a map and its name. If people want to be ignorant and possibly miss out on a map that could be the best map ever because it's named Pedobear Fun Land or something like that, then it's their loss.
I agree with you completely. If you don't download a map because of the name you are depriving yourself of what could be a good map. It's like saying you wouldn't play Conquest if it was named Slowpoke takeover.
It's not so much the fact that people won't download a map because of it's name. It's that they won't look at the map thread if it doesn't have an appealing name. Like a map named Banana... Who on Earth would look at a map named Banana? I don't even think you would make it to the download page on some maps. If a map name isn't appealing, and somebody looks at the thread, the name won't stop them from downloading... You see what I mean? You don't normaly just look at a map download before the thread...
Honestly, I browse through every map thread on the front page of the competitive maps forum. I only glance at the names to see if I already viewed the thread or not. More often than not, most people do this as well and it honestly should be the only way you judge someones map. By actually going in and taking a mere thirty seconds to skim through a map post. It's not like you have anything to lose.
I think people are giving some bad examples. If a map is named Banana, or Slowpoke Takeover, you'll probably look at it because those are really original names that make you think "what the ****? Imma check this out". Names you would look at are things like, Steel Arena, Death Field, or Murder Pit (sorry if your map is named any of these, they're just examples) because they sound unappealing and overly ordinary. On topic. I think a map's name is what draws people in, then the pictures make you want to download, then a couple of good games make you wanna keep it on your harddrive. If you've seen the pictures of a map and it looks good, but you won't download it because of the name, that's pretty foolish. If you've played games on it, had fun, and still won't download it... Don't let the door hit you on the ass as you kindly get the **** out.
A map name should be descriptive enough so that it is easily identifiable in your listing, or have some redeeming quality that makes the name memorable. For example: Wishing well, not exactly the most groundbreaking map out there, but easily memorable thanks to it's name which ties into your map. Tetradymite: A complex name that doesn't really relate to the map, however, as the map was the first of it's kind it's easy to remember the name But there are plenty of maps that I download and have no idea what the map is related to the name, things like "Vertigo" "Rush", etc. Things that are too simple and not descriptive of the map as a whole. Will I download a map based on it's name? No. Will I look at a map thread based on a good name? Probably. Do I check most threads regardless of the name? Absolutely The map is what sells it, the name is just important to make it memorable.
This is how I should've put it in scobra's thread, this is what I actually meant. I did a quick glance at scobra's map just to see what kind of terrible map it would be because the name was bad, but I was suprised to see it was actually a solid map. When moon waffle was on competetive maps, I never looked at it, because the name was stupid. (I still never downloaded it.) I made it sound like I wouldn't download a map if the name sucked ass (which mudkips and slowpokes and anything to do with pokemon or something that is meant to be funny, but isnt, are- Seriously, think about it, you're not in 4th grade), but I will if the map is appealing for the type of gameplay I enjoy. Which is mostly minigames and infection. edit: in all honesty, the map name catches the eye to view the map, the pictures make you want to download, and the gameplay makes you want to keep it. If the name doesnt catch your eye, the others won't ever follow in sequence. So basically, if your map has a bad name/stupid/unoriginal, I wont look at it (I'm sure others won't either, but it seems like everyone here looks at every single map posted for at least 30 seconds), meaning I won't ever see the pictures to download and keep it on my harddrive if it is good enough.
I honestly don't see the humor that people see in Pokemon and I don't find it stupid. I'm seventeen years old and I honestly enjoy the games because of how much skill, knowledge, and strategy it takes to actually be good at it. I simply named my map Mudkip Farm because I like the Pokemon, not because of the internet meme. Plus, I'm generally a weird person, so naming my maps weird names is just me being me. Like I stated before, you wouldn't not talk to a person because of a colour of their skin would you? If not, then why would you not want to look at the map because the name isn't serious?
Ok. 1) Pokemon takes absolutely no skill or strategy from what I remember. Just fight, make your pokemon strong, and make sure fire beats grass and grass beats water and water beats fire or whatever. And thats fine if you name your maps weird because you are 17 and like pokemon. 2) You created a double negative, wouldn't not, which means would, so yes I would and do to everybody, regardless of race, or any cultural ties. And this is total BS, because you are relating two things that are totally unrelated. First off, somebody's color of their skin is not something they get to choose, your map name is. ALSO, no skin color is absolutely stupid, like a map name can be if you choose it to be. THIRD, regardless of if its skin color or not, if I see somebody that I wouldn't want to ever associate with, like burnouts, I would never talk to them (which is the same concept as looking at a map's name, getting a first impression, and deciding whether or not to download)
Are you serious right now? Really? Pokemon involves a shitload more strategy and knowledge than you think. Then again, you are very ignorant, so I could see how you wouldn't know that. You're acting completely retarded right now. It's not about choice. We're going with the fact that someone chose a weird name and refuses to change it. It is almost, if not exactly, the same as racial profiling. You're just trying to not make it out like that so you don't look like ignorant.
you know what you're right, figuring out whether to view a map or not is the exact same thing as racial profiling. Do you even know what ignorant means? Let me help you out. ig⋅no⋅rant /ˈɪgnərənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ig-ner-uhnt] Show IPA –adjective 1.lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man. 2.lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics. 3.uninformed; unaware.4.due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement. So please tell me, what am I uniformed and unaware about? What do I show a lack of knowledge towards? You're 17, I'm sure you've taken the ACT, I got a 31, thats pretty damn good, so let me know real quick how I am ignorant, if I am knowledgeable. Actually I do have something I am uninformed about, what the relationship between racial profiling and map downloading is. I mean, are you serious right now? edit: I am ignorant towards pokemon, but I really don't care, because in the big scheme of things; wasting brain usage towards pokemon and remembering facts, is a waste. I'd much rather learn about stuff that will benefit society.
You are unaware that basing your opinion of a map off of the name of it alone is the same concept of basing your opinion of someone off of the color of the skin or the clothes they wear. Think of it as an equation: I don't like ( x ) of ( x ), so I'm not going to ( x ). Substitute 'x' as follows: I don't like (the name) of (this map), so I'm not going to (view the post).Again, substitute 'x' as follows: I don't like (the colour) of (that persons skin), so I'm not going to (associate with that person). They share a similar relation. I'll admit, using this sort of example wasn't one of my best choices, but to me it seems like a logical analogy. Class dismissed.
Sorry teacher, but all x's substitued would be the same. Different variables for different meanings. And I said I talk to any race, just not the people I care for. So actually its like this teacher. Think of it as an equation: I don't like ( x ) of ( y ), so I'm not going to ( z ). Substitute 'x, y, and z' as follows: I don't like (the name) of (this map), so I'm not going to (view the post). Again, substitute 'x, y, and z' as follows: I don't like (the morals/values) of (that person), so I'm not going to (associate with that person). Class dismissed. Whats wrong with you and different races. I asked him and anyone else that wants to argue about it to PM me in Scobra's thread. Nobody did. If you want to, I'm willing to. edit: this is really stupid, im done arguing about whether people will view a map based on its name. Because in all honesty, not everyone will.
You know exactly what I meant. Stop acting immature about this whole ordeal and just accept the fact that I'm right and you are wrong. Quit trying to attain a sense of accomplishment by trying to act like a smarter being because frankly, it's getting old. As for that last comment, I was using it as an example. Nothing more. I have absolutely no problems with people of other races, etc. I hold an equal opinion on every single human being until I have discovered, through personal experience, anything to change my opinion otherwise. The same thing can apply with Forged Maps. Judging by what you have previously stated in this thread, you first judge a Map based off of its name and decide to actually look at it depending on if you like the name or not. You aren't using an equal approach on every map you check out. If you would use an equal approach, you wouldn't be missing out on a possiblly great map. View a map as if it were a person. The name is their outside appearance. The maps physical appearance is their personality. The gameplay is their morals and values. I personally would never judge a person by their appearance, so I completely disregard any stupid names. I my not like someone for their personality, so I do a quick check of the maps overall physical appearance If I like what I see (If I like the persons personality), I'll play a game or two on the map itself (I'll get to know the person a little more.) If I like the gameplay (If I like a persons views on certain things), I will possibly keep the map saved to my hard drive and play it more (I will possibly befriend that person and talk/hang out with them more.) To me, it makes absolute perfect sense, to you it might not. Then again, judging by how incompetent you are at understanding a simple analogy and over analyzing the whole ordeal, I can completely understand how you not get what I'm saying. Don't think that because you got a thirty one on a stupid test that that automatically makes you smarter than me in every single aspect humanly thought of. Also, I realized seconds after I posted that statement that I made an error in my calculation, however, I didn't think it would be that necessary to change because I figured, being the super genius you are, you would understand what I meant despite my simple flaw, but no. You had to do the immature thing and proceed to shed more light onto my simple error than needed in a pathetic attempt to make you look like the more well educated individual. To me, all you have proven is that you are arrogant.