Arrrrgh, Mancannons are really starting to annoy me. I just cant get them right. I'm making a map at the moment with mancannons placed just tilted below a wall, so that only the effect of the 'air' is showing above, but whenever I place it just at the right angle, it doesn't work properly in an actual game, it either falls to short or propels me towards the ceiling. So instead I tried to change the angle and then immeadietly switch to an actual game to test it, I eventually got it just right, but then when I went and started editing my seconnd mancannon in the same way and testing that one in an actual game I went to use the other mancannon again and it didn't work properly anymore, I HADN'T EVEN DONE ANYTHING TO IT!!!! Anyone got any advice or tips on mancannons, they are driving me insane.
Mancannons are NEVER consistant, it depends on what side you go into it from, how fast, if you jump, ect.
They aren't even close though, I've gone through time and time again, not only are they completely different when switching between forge and customs, they are different between individual custom games and gametype variants, I'm fairly sure I'm walking through practically the same way too, I have 'barriers' between the sides which keep me fairly straight and the same going in each time. Sometimes they wont send me as far in a custom as in forge and sometimes they send me further, is there any hope or should I just ditch them now?