Darth Vader in the Force Unleashed, on the hardest difficulty. He was difficult on normal, but on hard it was just insane. The fight against that giant monster thing that came out of the ground in Prototype... it was that girl but I forget her name. Either way it was hard as hell because I couldnt even get to that thing without being blasted. Those are two I thought of quickly.
I would have to say the bosses in crash bandicoot the wrath of cortex. The only one that comes to mind is the one where you are in the plane.
Yiazmat may not be the most difficult boss, but it is one of the most rediculous, at least for my knowledge of the FF series. I mean, he does have 50,000,000 hp.
Um, the Guilty Spark oracle thing on Halo 3... He is super hard to kill... What about the last mission of GTA Vice City?
Yiazmat in Final Fantasy 12, He has 50 million HP.....I mean, COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The world record for beating him in the shortest amount of time is just over 5 hours!
The final fight with sabertooth on "xmen: the official game", but only if we are talking about on the hardest difficulty. I mean you fight him and fight him and finaly when hes on a small amount of health the game decides to double his damage and heal him 4 times faster. Please note i failz to beat him.
What's it for? 5. Emperor Ing (Metroid Prime II: Echoes) 4. 3. 2. 1. And i'm not fricking allowed to play any of the FF games even though its E10+ *mumbles to self about overprotective parents*
QFFT! OHMYGAWD METALGEAR! On a serious note, top five would have to be... 5: Any Boss on Ninja Gaiden. That game is just impossible. Beat it though. =) 4: Eyedol from Killer Instinct. **** you Eyedol... **** you. 3: Every Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus. Play on Hard Mode and you'll understand the word pain. 2: Final Boss of Condemned. Too many stages, too much health, not to mention minions. 1: The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3. On the hardest difficulty, she's impossible.
Why are you saying Sephiroth from KH2, he was easy as hell. Sephiroth from KH1 was a TOTALLY different story, still haven't beaten his ass. Damn it he kills me so much. KH1 actually took skill.
The end of Suikoden 3 left me in tears. Still haven't been able to beat more than two of the six bosses in a row, mind you you have to do them all at once. If that's not bad enough, I've been trying for years now.
Oh, I forgot to include a few of the early Megaman games *Looks at Drawingman*. Those games were evil......
That's just it. They let me play Halo and GoW, both of them being rated M for Blood And Gore, Violence, And Mild language for Halo and Intense Blood And Gore, Violence and Strong Language and they won't let me play final fantasy on the DS which is E10+ for Fantasy Violence and Animated Blood And now ever since i met a girl at church, My Parents check my Gmail and XBOX messages every two hours for love notes to/from any girl at church, Suspecting that i like her or she likes me... And i already explained that she has a boyfriend... You didn't respond to my question. You gave me a link when i asked "What System Is It For?"