I know when most of you read this, You will immediatly refer me to forging 101 'interlocking'. that is not the help I need. No matter how many techniques I try, I suck at interlocking. I can't interlock at all. Not even close. My lack of ability to interlock has cause many maps of mine to fail. So, I would like to ask If anyone would interlock a map for me. I have the whole layout, spawns, weapons, etc. done, but when I try to interlock it, I mess it up. I am not lazy, I just need alot of help. If you help me I will give you half the credit for the map.
You will regret this man, trust me. A map you worked so hard on and giving someone partial credit is only the half of it..you just don't feel the same sense of accomplishment. Interlocking isn't too difficult, and it doesn't have to be perfect..just so your grenades don't slip through cracks. I'm decent at it, and I'm sure I can help you get the hang of it if you want. I'll be on around 4pm Atlantic Time tomorrow..and my gamertag is Chris G1. I wont do your whole map..and I don't want any credit.
So that is all squared away, but do you want me to teach you how to interlock? You can PM me/ send me an FR and I will try to tell you or show you in a Custom Game...
I think interlocking is a bit over done recently..but What Can I say ...I use it also... What directly do you have trouble in? because I had the some thing ...senetivity on your controler helps lower the better Shock Theta told me that... once...
I think your right..people concentrate to much on whether the map being posted is 100% interlocked even if it makes absolutely no sense and is a waste of resources. I only interlock if theres a gap thats noticeable or a grenade can fit through. I'll still help you later on citizyn if you need help.
Yeah, I would go with you guys. I prefer gameplay over apperance any day but if you want your map to have any chance of getting noticed, it has to be interlocked
Go here http://www.forgehub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5283&highlight=interlock its a topic i made awhile ago containing i think its either two or three techniques used in full picture guide form. It also contains a few other semi-tehcniques and other stuff i never got around to turning into proper guides. It never shot off really but i hope it helps you. If you still can't get the hang of it send me a FR and ill help you get your head around interlocking in general. GT=Supa Midget000 (the zero's add style :S) Then you can finish your map without having to hand credit around