Link: Author: Im Apo Map Name: MLG Limits Map: Sandbox (Skybox) Players: 2-8 Gametypes: All MLG Gametypes Symmetrical - (Asymmetrical) Pros: Weapon Drops, Close Range, Asymmetrical yet still even, Aesthetics, Beginning battle is always fun, Works with all gametypes. Cons: You tend to fall off the map a lot when you first start to play, Bumpy Terrain, Oddball games(because when you drop the ball of the map it takes 30 seconds to reset. Talking About The Map: I've been working on this map for a very long time had many matches on it to perfect it. When i play this map i always try and set my teammates up like so: Players at P1, P2, S3, and the last guy either roams or stays Open Blue/Blue T1. The sniper is a major benefit because the way the map works and knowing spawns and teammate positions. if your at s3 and you have a guy blue room and other two roaming pink they will spawn red room or open red so you have gotta spawn trap them. choosing your sniper is important because you don't wanna see the sniper keep getting played by bad teammates you wanna have it in the hands of a good sniper so they can use all 3 clips perfectly. The Mauler is a decent weapon to have because if you have someone camping in a room you can easily stop that camping and if you have camo you should get an easy 2 kills within the time of having camo. Weapons/Equipment(Spawns): 3x Carbines - 90 Sec. 5x BR - 10 Sec. 1x Sniper - Spawn Times: 15:00, 12:26, 9:53, 7:20, 4:47, 2:14 1x Mauler - Spawn Times: 15:00, 12:26, 9:53, 7:20, 4:47, 2:14 4x Plasmas - 30 Sec. 2x Frags - 30 Sec. 1x Camo - 13:00 and every 2 minutes(120 Sec.) after picked up Pictures BLUE Base RED Base Pink Base/Camo Spawn Mauler Sniper Callouts I noticed i put Red T2 instead of Red T1, little mess up sorry. Jumps Ty for looking at my Map here is the download once again: MLG LIMITS
wow defiently a download from me, ha i love the idea of color pink, overall the mlg feel will go great with the map, im not sure of gameplay so ill get back to you on it though
NICE MAP.. the idea of it doesnt seem too original but it looks great.. good interlocking.. everything looks smooth.. Good weapon setup.. keep up the forgin
I like how you listed the jumps and callouts, although some of the callouts seem a bit unecessary like the Top Red Tube, Red Tube, Red Window callouts (same at blue base), maybe just have Red Tube, thats it. I also really liked your use of ramps at the blue base for ascetics (not sure I spelled that right)
Change the Sniper Tower, I mean, Slit Walls? How are you able to throw granades? (+ Im not sure about this one, but are weapons able to fall through the slits when they get dropped after getting killed? you kidding! do you not know your colors: red and blue makes PURPLE!!!....also mlg maps should be symetrical but besides that its a nice map i like how you can fall down in the middle and the bases are constructed well....good
PINK .. PURPLE clearly pink to me ... + mlg maps should be symetrical? why? because onlaught was? have you ever heard about maps like guardian or construct?
yeah i thought that but when your in game and not looking around at tubes and someone calls out just tube they will think ahh whatever hes inside but if he's on top then you can look besides why not put as much work as i can into it? Hey have you ever played amplified? what is the callout purple or pink? watch mlg pro and tell me what the pros say? besides if its that horrible for you then say purple lol i was only making the word shorter using what the pros say and it actually is more pink then purple because its really red+blue+white and also gaurdian is not symmetrical yet its in mlg so tell me that? also it is the main map that people play 1v1's on hmmm? still think its not mlg?. but i mean its obvious i'm wrong cause you know everything ty Einstein hmmm. so i see what your saying but when your up on sniper tower it is very easy to avoid nades but if you bank a nade of the back wall it will land at anyone at s3 and grenades and weapons don't fall threw the slits but if you throw a nade it will go through it but i made it that way so the sniper can watch open red from s2 through the slit and since there is no cover on the side it is hard to jump to avoid shots and too camp because from blue you can shoot adn red is very easy to sneak up from nobody every camps there and it is an even place to hold a bit more advantage up there but thats the point of high ground trust me the flow around there is fine red base is 2 floors and the blue base is 1 floor thats why i made blue high ground with a tube also the red window is a nice place to shoot down from it's evened out surprisingly lol I've had intense matches on both sides