Well as some of you may know my first maps were on ghost town and they went over pretty well. But now since i can geomerge and do other things im going back and am going to try and make some sick nasty btb and slayer ghost town maps. This is a preview of the first of 3 maps. Corruo Sato (The Destroyed Plant 'name is in Latin' ) Note this new catwalk means that other regular entries to this base will be blocked off, this map will incorporate at least 4 new walkways, but for those of you who liked my loft idea it won't be in this map due to budget but hold on it will be in the next one.
Im so glad that all anyone ever has to say on anything that i post is just a short line, btb is too big for g town, um its not really a 6 on 6 wold work just fine or a 5 v 5 anything bigger than 4 v 4 is not regular slayer, and i would like it if people maybe actually made intelectual posts instead of just one liner's that i see to always get infracted for, even if i post 3 lines and they contain constructive criticism. Some times i wonder about some of the admin's of this site.
How is it the Admins' faults? If a post gets reported, they'll see it. If not, it's got a good chance, but not every spam post will get infracted because the Admins' aren't always on the go looking for people to infract. If you think it's a spam post, report it and move on. Don't blame the Admins'.
Well that is the deal i didn't know you reported all the bs crap, i usually don't care but i seem to get reported alot for really dumb things. Anyway enough with my rant, please just leave replies on what you think of the map.
after the discovery of ghost merging, i have thoroughly enjoyed forging on ghost town. If you want help or coforge on any of these, I would be happy to help.
My post isn't spam. I'm posting a factual statment in reference to: 5v5 isn't BTB, by the way. The minimum match size in Social Big Team is 6v6 and for the most part when that happens in a slayer game the timer runs out. Ghost Town is too small for BTB, I'm sorry for posting something about your map that you don't like. Stop whining.
Well in social the minimum may be 6 on 6 but then why on the default description for ghost town it says max player 4 -12 ??? so id assume you can have either an ffa or 6 on 6 and trust me the way i am dividing the map up, the time will not run out, ctf would be amazingly fun with a 6 on 6 for this map. And simply stating a "Ghost town is too small for btb" does not help at all and in my mind is spam. Even if you argue that it is facual. The pit is not a large map yet i have played btb on it and doen just fine. That further's my reasoning for having btb avaliable on my map.
Same Here. How Can You Not Blame The Admins. They Blamed Me For Having A Crappy Firefight Map On Ghost Town.
I really like the name and I cannot wait to see how you will manipulate the standard Ghost Town gameplay to work for Big Team games.
Dude this is looking pretty good, hopefully this turns out to be a good map, its doing good so far. I dont know why but this idea just popped to my head. It would look really tight if you had extra resources to fix the whole in the brick wall perfectley, and open the bottom little tunnel thing. But if you used the white things it would look really tight
Exactly i love ghost town by for my favorite map, I really wish bungie had released a larger urban map, that had the objects of sandbox just skinned to be urban. Also iv been delving into making a kick ass rats nest map, and a blocked off Avalanche scaling the map down to about 1/4 the maps true size.