Halo: Reach multiplayer beta. Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ozarka, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    So with the impending realease of Halo 3: ODST, everyone is getting excited for different aspects of the game: firefight, the new campaign style, mythic map pack part 2, etc... But I've noticed that almost no one has said much about their thoughts on the Reach multiplayer beta. Personally, this is what I am most excited about. I mean we've all seen the firefight videos, the pics of the new maps, read about the new campaign...but nothing about the Reach beta. This lack of info is mysterious and exciting because it lets the mind wonder what it will be like.

    So, any thoughts? Different gameplay, new weapons, completely new combat system, whatever you so choose to talk about...
  2. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Well I hope there is an elite campaign.
  3. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    A fourth grenade that's actually useful?
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    What do you mean? I <3 incendiary grenades.
  5. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I really have no idea what it is going to be like. But I am also very excited about the beta as well. To bad we half to wait a bit after the release of ODST to get it.
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Something they can use in matchmaking. There are no flame grenades in matchmaking at all.
  7. Spawn of Saltine

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    I would really like to see masterchief again. I know they were goin out on a limb for odst, and I think the limb broke. Without masterchief, halo is a sorry excuse for COD. I'd also like a new grenade. A better forge system would be nice aswell.
  8. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Its reach of course there will be the Mc and by the looks of the picture his whole team. I really want some of the old school weapons from the book. The mini AR for one thing, its like a better more kick ass smg. Being able to use the satchel type charges they used in the books would be cool, as well as the sp armor, you know the Spartan III's wore, it may be weaker but dam it looks cool.
  9. Orange

    Orange Ancient
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    Does anyone pay any ****ing attention? It is not going to be avalible until 2010, and it's a multiplayer beta, not campaign. That is the reason people aren't talking about it.
    #9 Orange, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  10. doubledeus

    doubledeus Ancient
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    I actually kind of wish they would get away from the Spartans all together. After reading the Halo books, the Spartans aren't very likable. And a 7 ft tall super soldier wearing a 1000 lbs of armor is boring. Don't get me wrong, I love the Halo games, but after seeing ODST Im much more interested in the story from a standpoint of a normal vulnerable soldier.
  11. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    The only damn reason Halo is as nearly as successful as it is, is because of the originality. Without the health structure or gravity modifications it would suck almost as bad as Cod (calm down COD fan boys, I love the game too, not as much however). I'm all for keeping the current health structure as long as the modifications aren't huge.
  12. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Agreed me and Borg were just talking about this on live, All im really hoping for is some new weapons, and having the ability to do some Tom Clancy style customization of my spartan. The game play can change a little but if its too different not many people will enjoy the game. Prequel or not halo has to play like halo, no matter if your a marine or Super Solider.
  13. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    What I would like is an extreme amount of customization ranging from armor to starting weapons. Meaning that the weapon you start with in any custom or matchmaking game could look how you wanted it. Lets say there is BR starts. The way the BR works, like the scope magifacation, etc. is the same as every other BR, but the appearance can be different (ex. different scope appearance, silencers, etc.) If you have your BR and you drop it for a Mauler but then pick up another BR you find on the ground, it will either be the default BR or someone else's variant. The same will apply with the Assault Rifle if that's the decided starting weapon. Not every weapon would have customization, but only the ones deserving of it (so no customizing the Rockets or Sword for example.) Then throw in the option to turn off custom weapons in Custom Games and all default weapon appearances in ranked games. I highly doubt something like this could happen, but it would be very cool to have.

    Also, a much more in-depth Forge and possibly a full out level creator. Larger scale battles would be pretty cool as well.

    EDIT: Even though this threads not about the campaign, I'm adding this in anyway. Considering there were two groups of Spartans doing different missions during the battler of Reach, I'm thinking multiple campaigns. Like, a campaign where you play as Master Chief on the Space Op, another as one of the Spartans on the actual planet itself, hell, even throw in an ODST / Covenant campaign as well.
    #13 Scobra, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  14. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Someone's on their period..

    I think a new forge system would be pretty sweet.. but I don't really want it to be entirely different from the original.. I think Reach should just include new items... no, not like sandbox with a bunch of boring, differently shaped boxes, but NEW items. Like customizable man cannons, slow mongeese with mounted mini-turrets on the back (different from warthogs), and just things people can play with.

    That's the only reason I liked H3 forge in the first place, it was so fun to just play around with things and try and come up with the best innovation. I feel that forge will be forge, and you can't change the excitement factor without coming up with entirely new ideas which last a long time.

    If they do "reinvent" forge, it'll either become terribly boring, or remain overbearingly exciting.

    What Bungie really needs is a way for things to last in forge, so it never ends.
  15. iTzSilverandrew

    iTzSilverandrew Ancient
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    Well obviously it will be alot different then the current multiplayer, especially since it is occuring before halo 3 events.

    I have faith in bungie. :D It'll be a kick ass game regardless.
  16. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    ive heard somewhere bungie saying that reach will be pretty different then the halo series (which gets me mad cuz i like halo they way it is) and the game comes out in a year. the people who preordered odst will get the reach beta ..

    I think the beta will be a joke since they rushed like everying on it, and is different then the halo sries.
    Halo reach will be way better than the beta cuz:

    1. they will have more than 1 year to work on it since the beta comes out..

    2. they will know wat to change from the beta.

    SO when people get the beta in 1 week just remember that it will be way better when it officialy comes out.
    #16 KILLn Machine12, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  17. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    They don't have an official start date of the beta. It could be three days from the release, it could be three months from the release. They haven't rushed anything.
  18. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
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    wow? really? i thought right wen u get odst u can play the reach beta.

    it would suck if they cancalled it or make us wait a cuple months for it.
  19. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
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    I just hope they don't try something too different that they think will revolutionize halo, but then it turns out to be a big flop. They just need to stick to what they've been doing. Knowing Bungie they will make sure everything is for the best.

    Actually I hope they stick to what they've been doing but make it better. Keep that same halo feel, but kick it up a couple notches. For instance, they need to do some serious work in their mapmaking department. I mean the comparison of halo 2 maps to halo 3 maps is crazy. Halo 2 had such a better selection of maps. There was more variety, creativity, and so on... Some of the maps in Halo 3 dont have any personality. Like epitaph- a big room with outer hallways. Fun. And i hate to say it but from the looks of Citadel, that map will probably be the same way. Overall there's little creativity in halo 3 maps. Almost HALF of the maps are remakes or spiritual remakes from halo and halo 2. So I just want something new and fresh and creative in Reach multiplayer.

    Also, they need to do away with the assault rifle. It usually just just kills the gameplay. Run straight towards the enemy, AR blazing. Beatdown. Death. Spawn. Rinse and repeat. That can become repetitve and just makes the game boring at times.

    So, in the beta, I'm just looking for fresh, exciting battlegrounds and a different set of weapons. Thats all that i need to make me happy :)

    Oh, and do you think they will run it on the same engine as halo 3 and odst? I've been speculating that for awhile now
  20. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Most likely, they won't deviate from there current engine. And trust me its a badass engine not just based on the games but based on the fact me and a friend reverse engineered it on the pc to see how it works and its pretty amazing and note this was the h2 version. I think that urban battle grounds will be the major thing, some of the maps may be like forests, but i doubt any if at all of the maps wont' be forerunner. Meaning no vallhala, it will all be human maps or covenant themed maps.

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