Kanye West is a total douche. He interrupts Taylor Swifts acceptance speech to claim that Beyonce should have won. YouTube - 2009 VMA Awards - Kanye wins "Biggest D-Bag of ALL Time" Later, after Beyonce wins best video of the year, she graciously invites Taylor back up to finish her acceptance. YouTube - Beyonce wins Video of the Year award and lets Taylor Swift gives her acceptance speech
I really do hate Kanye West. His arrogance supersedes anything that may have passed for talent. Plus I hear he likes fish sticks.
Beyonce's video was better though... EDITB4FLAMED: Sure it was a huge **** move, but atleast Kanye had his facts straight..
Who cares if Beyonce's was better? That could've been Taylor Swift's best moment in her life, only to be ruined by a ticked off man who's crush didnt get the VMA. Kanye, good music, big ass.
Doesn't matter if his facts were straight, you just don't do shitlike that to people. What ever happened to manners and respect?
Kayne's move was disrespectful and distasteful and is why he's apologizing over and over. Kanye West News - Yahoo! Music
Kanye West - on 'Can't Tell Me Nothin': Don't ever fix yo lips like colagen/ To say something when you gon end up apologyin.... Stupid, practce whay you preach.
Hes just a complete tool inside and out. Im tired of him, the **** he does, and hearing about how he 'apologizes' over and over again. Gay Fish, Yo.
On Comedy Central, starting at 9pm tonight, they'll be showing the Fish Sticks episode of South Park all night...