Please leave constructive critisism. The Name tempest is for a montage im editing. YouTube - Adobe after effects intro Its veryshort. Its going to be part of a trailer.
It seems rather basic, and I'm sure not too many youtubers care about the intro alone... but whatever, if you think you'll get more views for the title then go ahead, make an awesome title. I personally think it's the gameplay/contents that matters, not the aesthetics. So I'd give it a 3/5 anyways, just because it's too basic and not really thought provoking or anything lol.. /constructive criticism... don't take it personally
Bland intro is bland... Ya need bettar text, Maybe a different colour choice, It seems to Basic, If your making an intro to a montage, you want it to be catchy, and make it sort of, persuade the viewer to watch the rest. Intro doesnt have that.