4 of my friends have done just that! Two of them are looking to learn the guitar, one is learning to play bass and the other wants to do drums. And for the topic, Guitar Hero: Tenacious D would be awesome.
They would probably have to make it Rated M cause on iTunes all the songs but Wonderboy are rated Explicit Beelzeboss would be amazing...
Guitar Hero Megadeth: Albums - Youthanasia, The System Has Failed, Rust in Peace, Capitol Punishment, Peace Sells But Who's Buying?, Countdown to Extinction, United Abominations, Game Over (release later in Sept) Guitar Hero Disturbed: Albums - Believe, Indestructible, The Sickness Guitar Hero KoRn: Albums - See You on the Other Side, Follow the Leader, KoRn, Life is Peachy Guitar Hero Metallica: oh wait.... Guitar Hero Beatles: TAKE THAT ROCK BAND!
Megadeth - kay. Everything else, no just no. Beatles can't be done again; Activision would only butcher the beauty that is The Beatles: Rock Band.
Honestly they should just quit with these bullshit side games and stick to the main games. I mean one off the beaten path is fine every once in a while, such as Smash Hits, but the other ones are just shameless attempts at squeezing money out of you and giving you about half the songs of an actual full new game.
Endgame is the name of the album that is coming out in September. As a matter of a fact, it's coming out on Tuesday. Spoiler As a matter of a fact, it's on my computer and I'm listening to it in all of it's glory as we speak! But yeah, GH Megadeth would be awesome to see happen. Or, Guitar Hero Thrash Metal.
I don't think Wolfmother is even 5 years old yet, Therefore thay can't have they're own game. AC/DC has a live track pack for rock band 2 and if you haven't noticed, Rock band is the Only music game with AC/DC on it, So i think AC/DC has a contract to only appear on rock band or something Rage Against The Machine is good but they're only about a dozen years old I would certainly pay for a Hendrix Game depending on who makes it Never heard of them... But i think some god candidates for single-band games would be: The Who Rolling Stones Jimi Hendrix Paramore could possibly work Michael Jackson/Jackson 5 (Don't Worry, I'll Be There) Led Zepplin Tenacious D Coldplay possibly (Violin For Viva la Vida, Anyone?)
Guitar Hero/Rock Band Indie would be the **** dude. It'd all be indie artists, so most of the time you are playing stuff you don't know, unless you are hardcore indie, which you know a shitload of indie bands. I think it'd work better for Rock Band than Guitar Hero, considering Rock Band mostly uses lighter tunes, rather than harder rock tunes. Indie is a bit lighter, but not always.
GH: Queen You know it would work, you know it makes sense, you know you want to play it. Now come on Activision, make it already!
Indie is better? prove it, give me a decent ****ing reason why your precious unsigned bands could be so much better. And don't just use that whole "Oh but they haven't been tainted by the mainstream media" crap, because it barely makes a difference, The Arctic Monkeys are still as faggy as they were when no one had heard of them, Modest Mouse are still as good as they always were (you hardcore indie fags just don't seem capable of realising that). I'm not saying I enjoy pop music, but all that indie *** whine is starting to piss me off... You failed to realise that the majority of the games you mentioned (with the exception of the puzzle) required you to partake in activities that would either: a) Cost more than the actually game itself to enjoy on a regular basis b) Have the possibility of sustaining an injury and therefore pain. However playing guitar involves neither, and before you say guitars cost more than GH, that may be true in some cases, but you can EASILY get a hold of a half decent guitar for possibly even cheaper than the game itself. EDIT: As for the actual topic, the only two decent bands I can think of are Led Zeppelin and The Jimi Hendrix Experience/Gypsy Sun and Rainbows, I'd be happy to see an Arctic Monkeys game just so when people play it they will discover how easy their crap is to play and the public might finally understand how little talent they have...
Rock band Can Do It too, You know... Heck they have a Queen 10-Pack coming to DLC soon, And We Will Rock You and We Are The Champions are both on Lego Rock Band which comes out soon Just Because Activision has most of the Single Band games doesn't mean Harmonix can't do it And besides. Harmonix is Better at Charting unlike Activision who overcharts EVERYTHING to make a sad attempt at a very hard game Take GHIII for example. You can't beat it on Hard or Expert if your not very good, And being a three-time Champion at the Guitar Hero Competitions at my local Game Crazy, I STILL can't beat GHIII on expert after two years of GH on expert... Before I Forget is possibly more over charted than Cliffs of Dover. And Before I Forget is supposedly one difficulty lower than Cliffs of Dover I personally prefer Rock Band over the Activision Guitar Heroes And also guitar hero doesn't have the massive music store that Rock band has which recently passed 780 songs in the DLC Store That's why i only rent newer Guitar Hero Games
How about a rap game like Guitar Hero/Rockband? Like real rap songs, either with actual guitars in the music, or the game focuses on the vocals. No, DJ Hero DOESN'T count.
Hehe, I agree! People would WANT to sing! Finding a vocalist in matchmaking would be a thing of the past
The point remains that games are a simulation. GH is not scaring people away from playing guitar or preventing people from doing so. And you can get an airsoft gun for cheaper than $60. You can play touch football or golf, sports that rarely cause any sort of injury at an amateur level.
I'd just like to inform you that there will indeed be a game coming out that suits your wish, except it won't have guitars in it, because if you think about it, at least from what I know about rap musics, is that most rap songs don't include the guitar or bass in them. This game will be like a sing star, but yeah you guessed it, you rap the songs. Sorry for getting your hopes up d00d, but I unfortunately don't know the title at the moment. As for this thread, I agree with Shatakai's post in here some where, where he stated that they should stop making all these different side games and focus on only their main games. To tell you the truth I could care less about Guitar Heero, I want Rock Band 3 to come out.
All of these games also have another common trait (with the possible exception of puzzle again): c) Lowers the skill curve from the real-life counterpart dramatically for enjoyment purposes
Well sorry, I'm not trying to tell people not to like popular mainstream music. I enjoy Modest Mouse, although I've never heard an Arctic Monkeys song. I personally like indie music because, to put it bluntly, "popular" music is boring. After listening to a few songs from the biggest pop and rap stars I feel like I've heard them all. Independent and lesser known artists are more frequently experimenting with different types of music because they haven't created a huge identity for themselves that they can't change and the whole idea of indie music is built off of being different than what you hear on the radio everyday. When I said indie guitar hero I meant more of indie/lesser known bands, but that didn't really roll off the tongue, lol. I realize that my comment probably sounded like a naive, stubborn non-conformist, and for that I apologize.