First off i don't know if this is in the right spot, if it is not can a mod or admin move it please. I know most of y'all have probably noticed that haloscreenshots is down and has been for a while. If it stays down I think the threads that talk about how to post pictures using haloscreens should be removed or changed to photobucket. This is just my opinion if anyone has been in contact with the haloscreenshots people please tell me what they said.
That's because hscreenshots is working. When you search up your GT it just doesn't give you a thumbnail preview. It'll say the pic name, file name, and full size image. Click on full size image. Long story short, it's working and still updating. Have you actually tried to get it to work, or did you assume it was down from the front page?
I actually tried to get it to work and it wasn't. Thanks for all of your help though. Requesting a Lock.
yes halo screenshot is sort of working but still you have to do the html for the embeding yourself luckily i know html