a while back i was thinking about making a map pack based on ODSTs i am trying to come up with ideas for the maps. i am planning on doing the most maps in a series that forge hub has ever seen and probably will ever see the total map count when i am done with all of the series is going to be somewhere in the range of 50 to 80 total and i will be releasing them in multiple map packs when i complete some of them. i am planing on putting 4 to 5 maps in each post these maps will be my very first posts on forge hub, however i am no stranger to this site now i have downloaded many maps and love every one of them. i am looking for some help with ideas to start the maps on , and any ideas in general. i will try to work all suggestions into the maps at one point or another. each map is going to look unique and origional each map is going to like an episode. each time you the ODST or infected play there will be an advance in the story line. i have already figured out what im doing for the end and it's not something anyone is going to expect i am hoping that many people will help me with suggestions and i am also saying that anyone that wants to make a map for the series may do it with me or without me. all i ask is that you send me the link to the map afterward that way i can decide where in the series it will go and if it will go into tthe series i will give anyone credit for their work on the maps and also if i dont use your map please dont be offended, i might use different parts from some maps on others that i am making i will give credit for anything i use of someone elses. i am hoping this will be the biggest and most succesful project forge hub has ever seen. thank you for any help. my gamer tag is Mistaken5363 anyone who wants to email me the link just send it to chanimepie@gmail.com
Here's a good idea: Don't do it. There's enough ODST Infection/Firefight gametypes/maps already. Besides, the only one that doesn't suck is ODS3. If you somehow manage to make five maps and a gametype better than that, I will take back what I just said. Until then, my opinion still stands.
uh dude ods3 was what gave me the idea his drop pod opened up the door for me i have already started on 1 of the maps but it will not be finished for a while cause i decided not to have it go into the series until half way through. im going to have the first mission as a reconnasance mission to a planet that UNSC has lost contact with.(this happens 7 years after the ark is destroyed ,im even thinking of making an episode that master chief comes back during one towards the end) this series is going to be about the odst finding out how the planet get infected with an unknown virus(this is not going to be a firefight map) the ODST will do numerous drops and each time find out more about what has actualy happened to the planet, and those who lived there, in the end the odst will either succed in finding a way to leiminate the infection or be infected themselves i will not give away anymore of the story at this time i do not want to spoil anything
Not to come off as a douchebag (even though I really don't care if I do) but I did not understand a single word you just said.
Wait we talking bout' meeee??????? (Nice advertisement?) True. But your map got onto BoF. I didn't see any of my maps in the list. Anyways, on topic. 80 maps sounds waaaaaay too hectic and big of a map pack. I could honestly not see this happening, unless they were just blocks scattered around the map. ODS3 took me 14 ish hours to finish completely, and that was when I wasn't as dedicated to my maps and started getting lazy after the 8th hour. If you actually made this, all well and beautifully forged, each with unprecedented gameplay, and all around great infection maps, I'll kick a senior walking down the street over. If I were you, I'd start off on some smaller projects, practice your forging a bit, and then when you're ready start this map pack. Map packs take lots of dedication to get going, and if you were truly serious about this, and were honestly going to get it done, I'd limit it to 3-4 maps. I'd rather see 1 good map from you than 10 shitty ones. Quality > Quantity.
dude i know how to forge very well in fact i just have trouble coming up with ideas some maps take me up to 3 moths to get half way done but thats cause i always think of things people have not done yet and try to put them into maps. for example the map that i have already started building is a tower map at first i thought about having it be only a normal map not part of a series but after i saw ods3 and built one of the drop pods and testing it i thought about doing something much bigger. latter on i will include pictures of the tower maps first version that i did not finish because it was extremely sloppy, i showed it to a few friends online and they said that it was amazing now granted they didn't care how sloppy stuff is but they said these things when it only had 2 floors but i never worked on it again because the way i made it caused many problems, then i started thinking about redoing it but a lot better. so i set that in motion and now i have the first floor don and am working on the second floor now. i will put up pictures of both the older and newer versions of the party completed map. i may bring down the number of episodes depending on ideas and any maps people might want to add but i want to do at least 20 maps. And to clear up any misconception about all the maps being released at one time, this will not happen prior to my previous post i have decided to do release the maps in map packs that will have only 2 maps in them. also rifte gifle thank you for pointing out that quality is better than quantity this is very true and i have taken this into account, also for anyone who did not notice you may make maps that i will most likely incorperate into the series, i do not intend to do this entirely by myself this is a huge job for one person alone to do that is why anyone who wants to help me may and will recieve credit for all work that they have done or any ideas they have given me
2 maps a pack sounds better, but as scobra said, the firefight ODST style maps are starting to get old. If you are as good at forging as you say you are, then I'll keep an eye out for it.
rifle gifle thank you , and this is not meant to be a fire fight map in any way it is meant to be clasic infection with a good storyline and good maps to go with it. my intention was never to make the maps remotly like fire fights the maps will be made on all the maps from valhala to sandbox. and if i cannot get the aseatics good enough i no one of my friends can help me with them if it takes me 2 years. though a fire fight map inspired the series stories th emaps are not intended to be that way. oh and is this not considered spam
Yeah it does. He was making a statement that your writing drags on. Which it does. It pertains to something going on in this thread. That something is your writing and I do believe that that is important to this thread. By the way, nice Quote fail. lol.
As I promised earlier here are the pictures <BR> <BR> this is the overview of the origional incomplete map <BR> this is the inside of it keep in mind the first floor will look similar in the newer version <BR> this is the overview of the new map it will be under construction for a while it will be at least 8 floors <BR> and finally this is the inside of the newer tower map the map is still under construction and will be for a while but the first floor will have mongooses locked in place to allow passing thogh the walls similar to what i did with the turrets in the second screenshot. I would love any ideas of things to put in the map; this map will be one of the later in the series As I promised earlier here are the pictures <BR> <BR> this is the overview of the origional incomplete map <BR> this is the inside of it keep in mind the first floor will look similar in the newer version <BR> this is the overview of the new map it will be under construction for a while it will be at least 8 floors <BR> and finally this is the inside of the newer tower map