Sandbox Graveyard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Xx Jay Days xX, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. Xx Jay Days xX

    Xx Jay Days xX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have made a few changes to the map that
    a few people mentioned that would inprove Graveyard.​

    The images are "outdated". There are only
    2 changed to it making more cover.


    Weapons/Vehicles/Equipment/Movable Scenery List:​

    Battle Rifle - 10
    Asssault Rifle - 4
    SMG - 4
    Sniper - 1
    Mauler - 2
    Frag Grenade - 8
    Plasma Grenade - 4
    Power Drainer - 1
    Mongoose - 4
    Brute Shot - 2
    Machine Gun - 2
    Flag (Optional) 2
    Missile Pod - 1
    Fusion Coil - 8
    Pallet - 4​

    By: Xx Jay Days xX

    Sorry about the pictures. I won't be able to
    make more until the weekend.

    Please, nice comments.
  2. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The layout of the map looks great. but the only thing is it looks too open sorry. you should try to make some little structures around the sides and maybe another level for fighting...

    but yeah, still looks great!
  3. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i agree. the sniper would appsolutely dominate this map.

    The 2 main bases and center structure look really good, and you are obviously good at forging, but the rest of the structures look like little heart was put into them, almost like they were done by a completely different person. It's almost like you had a really big deadline to hit, and when you realized that it was today, you just through together the little structures and called it done.

    If you put a little more time into making the rest of the map look as good as the 2 bases and center structure, as well as make it less open, you would have a great map on your hand. as it is, it's pretty ho hum.
  4. reginald

    reginald Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you just got a little more creative with the cover, it would make a big difference. For example, the two criss-crossing corner walls, I have seen that on many other maps. If you took the creativity of the bases and built some neat structures in place of the corner walls, the map would be much more interesting and fun to play on.
  5. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is an ok map, but you gotta put more stuff on the map and include tall structures that way the map will fell bigger and better

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