Alright, so i've been playing Halo for a very long time and over the course of playing i've taken some pictures. My buddies tell me i have a pretty good collection, and i thought i would share them with you. Tell me what you guys think, -LegendaryWaffle Constructive criticism on how i can improve as a Pic Taker in Halo would be great. "Also, these pictures are just a select few from the many i have taken." The Escape 'Not Staged' Beam 'Not Staged' Blue Team Hero 'Not Staged' From Hell 'Staged' Heaven 'Staged' Jailed in 'Staged' Midnight 'Staged' Rouge Effect 'Staged' Spirit 'Matchmaking' Stealth 'Matchmaking' The Lights 'Staged' The Punch 'Matchmaking' Blue Haze 'Staged'
It seems like your not-staged pics are better then the staged ones. Most of them are really nice. A lot of them are original to. Great job
When i started taking pictures in Halo, All of them were real in-game, either matchmaking or custom, I tried my best to make sure none of them were staged. After awhile i couldn't resist staging shots. It was just easier. But i still try not to stage.
You have got to explain the "Rouge effect" one. I think that's the same or similar effect from that bungie favorite picture "pixelyze".
These are really good, the staged and matchmaking screenshots are good. Staged screens are the best. I'd like to see more.