Arsonist n00bskoolbus A station housing the souls of the fallen. Clue 6-16 players. Made by JestMx and n00bsk00lbus309Backstory Spoiler 05-16-2551 PVT TARKOV ODST //begin transmission This is Private Tarkov, ODST Squadron 057. We secured Weather Station Z/56, overrun by the Covenant Forces. Our Squad's heavily wounded, and Sarge died of an unknown cause. I believe tha-BZZZTT BZZT ****! Turner! Turner! Get a hold of yourself, what happened? Damnit! <gunshot> That came from the Heliport! Damnit, what the **** is going on!? BZZZT BZZZT BZZZZT What is this? "The Terminal..." //end transmission Clue Rules Spoiler * In the pre-game lobby, God (first party leader) decides upon a killer (or two, depending on party size). * God then sends a text message to the killer to inform him (“you” works well). The killer will send a text message back confirming that he understands he is the killer (“k” will suffice) * The killer may not kill until god has picked up the ball. This is because when the ball is held, there is no ____ was killed by ____ messages in game * No one can shoot, throw grenades, or melee anything or anyone unless you are the killer, or you physically see someone else commit one of these actions. Then you may take action against the offender, or defend yourself. These actions are considered violent actions, and will get you killed. The most “violent action” you can do is charge your plasma pistol (if you have one)… however you cannot charge a laser. * The killer tries to isolate people, and kill them off one by one, unnoticed. No one knows who the killer is except for God, and his victims (who cannot say or hint to who killed them, or with what weapon.. youre dead, act like it.). * If the killer kills off everyone else, he wins, and is the new God. * If the killer fails and gets killed while trying to kill someone, the player who killed the killer is the new God. * If there are two killers, and they kill off everyone else, they then battle each other for the God position. * Last one standing is God. * If the killer dies, inform the party leader so he can end the game, and start a new one. In the new pre-game lobby, God chooses a new killer, and repeat. The Terminal is a Clue map based on Blackout, and it took about 2 weeks to make, on and off. We used Blackout's default geometry to its fullest, using the areas under and around the map very effectively. There are a lot of hidden areas if you look well enough, and some obvious spots. There were some complaints with some people falling off the map though, and honestly, that's because they're trying to jump from one spot of the map to the other, and failed, we can't really avoid that problem on Blackout, especially when under the map. There are a lot of weapons scattered around the maps, some obvious, some hidden. Myself and n00bskoolbus think this is a really good Clue map, and plays really well, and hope you enjoy it as much as we do.Pictures Overview Plasma Cannon Side/BR Tower Center Path from Sword to Bottom Lift/Drunk Cone How does he do that? Impending Death Who dies here? Why, hello Assassinating God Run away from Recon God! Chaos [/b] Testers RPAL StunnaClutch xz sNiiPe zx TypicalABE Adelyss iPirates DEST1NATION X iTzBroken l DOWNLOAD THE TERMINAL DOWNLOAD CLUE