I think it's about time I start posting. Hey everyone, I joined forgehub a long time ago to get better at forge and generally see what you guys were making. I do tend to browse the forums but never actually post. I'm currently working on a few maps which will share soon. So yeah, just popping in to say hello
Post right dude. That is, when your posting your maps. Hope to see you around more. don't be shy to comment if you feel that you have an urge to do so! ~Welcome to Forgehub
I daresay you know most of things around here, so be sure to be active and not just a lurker. You might want to work on getting an avatar and a signature. Cya.
Hello there, welcome to Forgehub. I certainly hope you stay for a while a become a part of the wonderful community we have here. I hope to see your maps posted soon. If you're unsure on how to post pictures in your map thread then follow this link or enter your Gamertag on Haloscreenshots.net. If you are in need of any other help then feel free to send me a visitor message.
Hello there. Glad to see you decided to post. Feel free to message me if you need any help. Welcome to FH.
Welcome, sorry to see your mach turn out the way it did. But do not let that deter you from getting further invlved into the ever-growing community. Join some TGIFs, maybe even the Tester's Guild. Glad to see you stick around.
I thought the way the match was decided was harsh and obviously gutted I'm out because I believed would win it. We will never know now. I won't be leaving because of this, i'll be around.