NotOfThisWorld map-pack Contact

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by L337beanbag, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    (nice screen amirite?)

    Peaks is on p2...

    Hello again Forge Hub, l337beanbag here posting in my opinion my idea map so far, if you couldn't guess from the title i intend on making at least 2 more maps based around the NotOfThisWorld game type, also something is screwy with my so if there are some problems with the images please bear with me.
    First things first, in this game type you will be playing a squad of soldiers from a military base who have shot down an unindentified aircraft, which led to the invasion various areas which have given birth to these maps

    So yeah if your a human you will be one of the soldiers and if infected an alien.
    The infected for this game aren't the basic sword wielding one shot kill type they are durable and have a vast array of weaponry in the form of a class selection system set up in the sky bubble which reveals more classes as the game progresses (best ones later).
    The Humans while considerably more durable have a fairly poor weapon selection to be found around the map so they will rely mostly on what they can get from the aliens they kill as well as the scattered health packs.
    Humans use the cover and teamwork, it is painfully easy to be overpowered by even two aliens with no weapons unless you are highly skilled, health packs are important and make a dash if you feel you won't survive much longer or better yet hang around them, although there will only be one on the map at a time. (they don't affect aliens in the slightest, giving traits they already have)

    Here are the specifics of the game, class types and pictures are below:
    300% damage resistance
    No shield recharge
    100% speed and gravity
    Vehicle use
    Pickup enabled
    10m sensors

    Infected (alien):
    90% damage
    200% damage resistance
    Shield recharge
    100% speed and gravity
    Vehicle use
    75 m sensors
    Pickup enabled for 15 seconds after spawn\

    Last man (the sergeant)
    200% damage resistance
    Shield recharge
    125% speed 100% gravity
    No vehicle use
    Pickup enabled

    Custom Power up (health pack)
    100% shield recharge
    10 second duration
    200% damage resistance

    The selector
    Inside the soldier tube
    This system provides a safe un-campable selective armory from which the aliens have 15 seconds to take there pick of tubes gicing them differnet weaponry, equipment and powerups which will open up over time to reveal stronger variations, this provides an illusion of fighting entierly different kinds of enemys and escalating difficulty provided by the new types sent to kill you.
    (pictured is the sandbox version, may vary form map to map

    The Aliens (note; some of these were taken before the final version of the map, only the aliens will be accurate)

    This is the basic alien he has the base stats and wields a plasma pistol, while unlikey to score any kills on it's own is something to watch out for, you don't want to be caught with no shields. (he doesn't have his own tube you have to go without taking anything, not advised)

    This is the soldier alien, he provides support more than anything with deployable cover and plasma rifle with dual wield opportunities

    This is the artillery alien, with his carbine, and plasma grenades he will be dishing out damage from afar (primary attack type)(some maps give him a grav lift too)

    The heavy weaponry alien, with a Plasma cannon and overshields he can take quite a bit of punishment and keep on pounding you with heavy fire.

    This would be the room sweeper, he carries around a fuel rod gun, power drain and overshields, among the most powerful of the aliens he has mobility, durability and power.

    Obligatory stealth alien, with camo, flare ~and sword we are alliance or the might horde~ sorry about that (someone might get it), anyway he is immensely useful and can cut down pretty much anyone in his close range path.

    (sorry for lack of better picture)
    The captain of the ship is everyones favourite, obviously he is the best alien around he comes armed to the teeth with beam rifle, needler, overshield, plasma grenades and a regenerator, a beast for every situation lucky he only comes very late game as far as the humans are concerned.

    Special ops alien here has himself a sentinel beam and bubble shield but no overshields unlike his counter parts, this makes him a little bit harder to notice and if you swap out your plasma pistol while approaching you can catch unsuspecting humans with a close quarters mouth full o beam.

    This is the heavy CQB alien, he lugs around a grav hammer and cover, this lets him decimate vehicles and unsuspecting infantry while the cover helps him stay healthy during approaches.


    A military facility in an isolated desert environment
    Consists of tight indoor areas and wide open firing lines with multiple levels provided by buildings for ranged gunning on the edges of the map.



    Busted up living quarters: (by the ship on it's hard way down)

    Memorial and a health pack:

    Parade ground and Guard depot:

    Crashed ship and another health pack:

    Refueling station and some "trees" i hope:

    And that pretty much raps it up,
    Things to note:
    Yes, i do know it's similar to the ODST firefight games going around lately but it is not meant to be one, i was forging this before the good ones emerged to the best of my knowledge.
    (similar but better apparently, yay for me)

    I plan on updating and bumping this post when i have a map to add to it

    This game should be played with a minimum of four people but six will give you some fun results and 16 is an easy fit (big maps mostly)

    GAME: NOTW Invasion
    MAPS: Contact

    DL have fun and leave some feedback for the next map!
    #1 L337beanbag, Sep 8, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  2. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    No replies!? Oh my gosh! Well, this is cool. I really like the idea, and it's better than those firefight games. Nice!
  3. kore99X

    kore99X Ancient
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    Very well done i would love to dl this map but when i clicked the map link it bought me to the game variant.In other words your map dl link is not working so can you please fix it.i rly want to dl this map.
  4. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    Thanks people for the positive reviews so far, really the links not working? i thought for sure the pics would be what stuffed it up, fixing now

    EDIT: is screwing me over right now will fix later or if someone else provides the link ill fix it up as soon as it's posted
    EDITEDIT: fixed i hope
    #4 L337beanbag, Sep 10, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2009
  5. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    As good as this idea is, if this is a map pack, shouldn't you wait until you have completed all of your maps before posting? it would be easier and less confusing for others who don't read the actual description and are searching the page for the other maps. still, this map looks fun so ill think about downloading it and testing it with some friends to see how it plays.
  6. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    I guess technicallyi should have more than one map, but like i said i plan on adding the maps as they get made.
    Thanks for the DL hope you enjoy it. :)
  7. Eaglendia

    Eaglendia Ancient
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    Great map, and regardless of whether or not you were inspired by the ODST maps, this one's more fun. Can't wait for the next.
    #7 Eaglendia, Sep 14, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2009
  8. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    Thanks and speaking of the next one, any ideas? im always open for suggestions if theres anything you guys want in say it and ill see if it works.
  9. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    + Health stations were pretty cool and worked like there suppost to
    + Original map layout for a game like this

    - No time limit or number of lives (this wont factor into the score becuase im not entirely sure if this is true, its been awile since I played this game)
    - Aliens seem a little bit to strong
    - Strong aliens can only be brought down with a strong load of ammo, which when I played it, there wasnt much of

    You should maybe make a V2 and do one of the following to balance it better
    1. Make the aliens weaker or the humans stronger
    2. Put more ammo on the map and leave the aliens the way they are
    3. Add a time limit or a number of lives, but leave the aliens the way they are

    Score: 7/10
  10. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Ok, I really like this map. After a 16 player game, it is simply great. Firefight maps are just non-comparable to this. Of course, I now have some suggestions.

    1. Add a missile pod. The rocket on the map just doesn't cut it when it comes to the banshee. The banshee is an unstoppable force in the current build.

    2. Place more spawns. I had a few players spawn in the crypt, with no kill-ball. I made one any way, but I suggest you change it officially.

    3. Keep being awesome!

    For another map, I think that a rural town would be cool.
  11. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    This map is just awesome! I played it with 16 people and it was so much fun!

    Only a few problems ---

    - The banshee is way too overpowered. The rocket just doesn't cut it. Also saying you have limited ammo so that makes it so much harder.

    - As Izano Slayer said, sometimes people spawn in the crypt. Please change that.

    - Also, please add a time limit. The whole point of this game is to survive. It would be better if you actually had a reason to survive - to finish the round. When it goes on forever there isnt really any motivation to stay alive.

    - I also noticed that the zombies can not pick up weapons in the very beginning. I dont get why you did that? Please explain.

    Hopefully my post combined with others post will contribute to a V2!
    #11 Zombie Kitten, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  12. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Chris, it's because of spawn settings, and it is completly unavoidable.
  13. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    Thanks for that, the missile pod isn't in because previously vehicles weren't useable for humans it has since been updated (the pod counts), yeah this game really shines in big parties, spawners have since been added, the next map should be up today, as i said ill bump and re title this when i post it but great idea on the rural town ill put it into practice.

    Map up

    A peaceful wintry snow scape, if we weren't locked out of the base i might enjoy it.
    This map is more vehicle oriented, the mongoose is an invaluable tool against the alien oppressors use it to scoot between bases and health packs, but bring a friend.

    You will start off here in the camp site near your downed hornet

    This is the nearest base, it one invaluable mongoose and a health pack, as well as a path to the rampart.

    map wall

    The rampart has hog and health pack underneath it and rockets on it but staying is generally a bad choice, there are 3 different ways on to it.

    A geo-turbine (why not?) more to block the cannon man than anything else, i think it's nice to look at, and hey a turret!

    The alien vehicle pad, (first box on the right people) wraith spawns late game but the ghosts are the classes main weapon.

    Cargo base, landing pad, watch tower, and boxy goodness, health pack location too


    #13 L337beanbag, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  14. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    Shut up Ben. That is not what I meant. I meant what is the specific reason you have it set to do that. I have not messed around with the infection gametype in a while. I didn't even know you could make it where you spawn and are not able to pick up weapons until you die. I did not know you could even do it with infection.

    To the creator. What you could do is simply have the attacker begging spawn points start over the death barrier. They would die, then they would spawn on the class selection thing.
  15. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Whoa, what? I wasn't being anything. Calm down. If my post came across offensive or something, then fine. Don't be a jerk. I answered your question. What's up with you? Give me one reason why you would be so "jerkish". I said nothing at all.
    #15 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  16. Zombie Kitten

    Zombie Kitten Ancient
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    It was your tone. Theres nothing up with me. Yes you did say something. You inferred it. I asked a specific question then you answered like I'm retarded.

    God! Everyone does that to me. When I ask a certain question, they believe I'm asking a stupid common since question.

    If I ask, "Why is the ground so soaked?" I am looking for an answer like, "Because it rained for four hours". Instead, people would answer, "Because their is water on it."

    That is what you did to me.
  17. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Ok, that's fine. But I didn't mean it "in that tone." Whatever. ANYWAYZ: The new map. I'm gonna DL, but to clarify: is there an updated game-type I should know about?
  18. L337beanbag

    L337beanbag Ancient
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    Yes there is an updated game type (replaced the old dl link), and could you two possibly take your argument elsewhere? it appears you know each other outside of this website so yeah.
  19. Xuloz

    Xuloz Ancient
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    I really love this map, also I really like how the "aliens" are able to choose their class. I'm downloading.
  20. 1Z4N0 SL4Y3R

    1Z4N0 SL4Y3R Ancient
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    Hey, really sorry for my double post here, but I thought this map deserved it anyway. This is my full review of "Notofthisworld" and I recommend anyone thinking of downloading to read this.

    Firefight maps clog the arteries (lol) of Forgehub today, and Notofthisworld is a breath of fresh air. This game manages to achieve something no other game has been able to achieve: fun for both sides. You get the feeling of an imposing doom, and not "Oh no zombz." The gametype is perfect, will a severe, grueling difficulty, but also some fun times. Delete "Firefight on Elevation" and "ODS3" because notofthisworld is the best of the all.

    Note to the creator: The gametype link brings me to "Notofthisworld." Did you intend it to bring me to "NOTW Invasion" ?

    Contact: still the best of the two current maps. If you stay in a building, with friends, you have a chance of survival, but not if you venture out alone. THe variety and choices of the buildings is great, and the risk you have to take to get to the rocket is worth it. This map: 10/10

    Peaks: Still great, still buggy. Some player spawned out of the walled in playable area. But peaks can be great fun, and even it it's current state, it's valuable to Notofthisworld. The single largest problem on this map is the health packs. Yes, there are 4, but I've only found 2 during gameplay, so they should be a bit less hidden. Great fun, though! 8/10

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