I've been a member of forgehub for about three weeks now, and I've seen a boatload of different titles/ranks. I can kinda give an educated guess as to what some of them mean, but I'm still kinda lost with some of them. I also don't know how you get to most of these ranks/titles. I've seen junior member, member, and senior member. I kinda figure Junior Member is 0-29 posts, Member is 30-99 posts, and senior member is 100-infinite posts. I've also seen loyal members which I can kinda figure out what that is since there is a thread about them in the announcements section. I've seen moderators, I kinda figure they're here to watch over threads and make sure people follow the rules and don't become a problem. I've seen Administrators, which I kinda figure they look over the entire site and run the whole thing. I've also seen pro-forger, and I kinda figure that person makes lots of maps. I'm sure I'm leaving out some ranks, but that's why I'm posting to figure out how the system works, so I can better understand forgehub and the forgehub community. So please feel free to fill in the blanks and explain the positions and how one gets in such a position. Thanks and have a nice day.
Ranks LOOK: (do a search for ranks next time, I have answered this at least four times) Currently, as the boards have switched, the ranks are a little askew. Junior Member, Member, and Senior Member are temporary(as far as I've been told). The normal ranks are as follows. Post Based Ranks Posts = Name of Rank = Symbol 0-30 = UNSC Trainee = Magnum 31-80 = UNSC Graduate = S.M.G. 81-190 = Geurilla = Assault Rifle 191-300 = Demon = Battle Rifle 301-~415 = Cavalier = Shotgun 416-~600 = Askar = Rocket Launcher ~601-~800 = Exterminator = Sniper Rifle ~801-~1200 = Ranger = Flamethrower ~1201-Max = UNSC Spartan = Machine Turret Failure Ranks -Name = How To achieve = Penalty -Warned = Being Naughty, spamming etc. = Temporary Bans -Banned = Being very naughty, abusing power = LIFE BAN Upper Echelons -Name = How to achieve = Rewards -Respected = Associate of ForgeHub = Coloured Name -Premium = 2 Featured Maps = New Forum Board, Coloured Name -Loyal = General Awesomeness = New Forum Board, Coloured Name -Moderator = Forum Fascism = New Forum Board, Coloured Name, Mod POWER -Staff = You get money = Staffnessicity, MORE POWER, HTML(awesome) -Admin = You must be born an admin = INFINITE POWER New -Graphics Guru = Sexy GFX -Lesser Graphics Monk = Near-Sexy GFX Hope that answers your Q's.
Pro-Forger is not a rank. It's a guy that has his avatar displaying 'Pro-Forger' with the Forge Hub stat bar.
Thanks for the help. Now I know what I'm building toward and it's also nice to know that this forum has more than a handful of ranks that are not just for people who post a whole lot.
Nemi, you should add a guide to the ranks in your guide to Forgehub, I have answered that in full at least 4 times. I'm going to make that post into a notepad file, so I can easily answer whenever some one asks this.
The first thing you should know about ranks here, are that they don't matter. Because i'm easily one of the coolest people here. Oh My, he did not go there.
vBulletin's ranks are much higher up you are "senior member" until 3000 posts i think. then you are elite member then i think 7000 is veteran thats how it is on this other board
I lol'd But really Titmar? We better get posting [/JK] That is actually a good system, but I liked the old one, too.
the old one was cooler coz i had my sexy askar rocket launcher... i had it for 2 days then they just ripped away from me!... WHY!!!!
yea i gotta agree the custom ranks on the old one were nifty. but you know, most forums encourage posting, not condemn it, so those numbers really arent that high. the forum i post on that uses VB, i have 3,500 posts and thats considered noob. there are people with over 20,000 on it so... i dunno, 2 different worlds hehehe. forums are much more fun when you are allowed to post whatever/whenever you want.
Yeah, I don't know I have been scared away from forums looking at those huge post counts. Plus it eliminates spam which is a good thing. And you also have to take into account that these forums are about 6 months old.
OMG OMG IVE ALWAYS WANTED ONE OF THOSE [/sarcasm= drip drip drip] No, I'm quite content with my Hitler Kitty. Jeez, for those 20,000 post forums, they must have a crapload of spam and a dedicated server.