Sahara of Fear... Not exactly the words you want to hear when you're in the game lobby for a kickass game of Tremor n' Mouse. But you stay in the party because "Fear" is usually placed somewhere in the names for the best Tremor n' Mouse maps. Whether it has Valley in front of it, or just plain ol' Fear. Sahara of Fear isn't just your average day of customs Tremor n' Mouse map. There are three distinct differences between Sahara of Fear, and everything else you've played. For one, Sahara of Fear includes all of the main level of Sandbox. The towers are blocked, so don't be thinking your objective is to reach a spot where the towers can't shoot you. For two, Sahara of Fear was planned out from the start, to the very end. Think of Sahara of Fear as a sequel to my map; Sahara Dream. Unfortunately Sahara Nightmare was one letter too long to be the name for this map, so I went with Sahara of Fear. For the third and final difference, Sahara of Fear's "Twist." There is a Wraith... "Shudder!" The architecture on Sahara of Fear will most likely remind you of no other Tremor n' Mouse map. Most Tremor n' Mouse maps are on Avalanche, and include the usual ramp here and there, and a couple merged boxes. The very first thing you might head for will either be the "Man Cannon Ramp", or the "Ramp of Doom." For most people it's the "Ramp of Doom" though. I swear, the first thing that would come out of two or three people's mouths when the game would start is "Oh my god that bridge/ramp is awesome!" Although further into the match you might also notice a certain pyramid that I can't really get to explaining right now. "... And let us never forget those brave souls that died for our lives long long ago..." - Colonel Baxter Just three years after the first onrush of the attacking Tremor forces in the Mousenguard Desert, the Tremors were spotted again in the high rise near Colonel Baxter's home, the leader of Mousenguard. Baxter's wife was killed, but luckily Baxter escaped and regrouped with the remaining citizens that hadn't burrowed themselves under the deep hot sand. The Colonel knew there was only one choice to make, and the choice was the same one that had allowed him to survive the onrush three years ago... "RUN LIKE HELL!!!!" - Colonely Baxter I recommend playing with 8-16 players. Tremor Twist Of course a Tremor n' Mouse map only plays with one gametype! I could allow it to work with a Capture The Flag gametype like Tremor Blast, but I figured Sahara of Fear is way too open, and the flag would be way too easy to capture. But perhaps I could remove the mongooses for the mice. The main goal in Tremor Twist is to kill the mice, or if the case is that you're a Mouse, you have to avoide getting killed. Driving away from the Tremors and the Cat, weaving through obstacles, doing several barrel rolls. Whatever keeps you from getting splattered is the key to success! There are two Tremors, and they are let out after 30 seconds. There is one Cat, and it is let out after 45 seconds. *Honor Rules* A Mouse may never board an enemy vehicle Mice must stay on their vehicles at all times, unless driving a vehicles is not an option Tremors may NEVER shoot at the Mice Mice are limited to driving mongooses, and MONGOOSES ONLY!
Wow sweet merging I love that rib cage idea thats awesome I think I saw a video of this map or that vid was of something similar But anyways love the map can't wait to play One question why is alot of the stuff the something of doom a bit repetitive don't you think The map looks good well done
I played a game or two on this the other day and I had a lot of fun. All the structures cooperate well with the surrounding dunescape and simultaneously provide that aesthetic "wow-factor". That one little pyramid thing with the blue light in it made me take a pit stop on my mongoose to check it out, it just looks so new. I also really enjoy the wraith & chopper tandem ownage in this game. Gives you something else to worry about; it's not just choppers out for you, it's wraith bombs too. I got a long-range wraith kill and I couldn't help but laugh . Good forging, this map is win.
I think this truly may be the "Tremor & Mouse map of DOOM!" But in all seriousness, it looks like every aspect of the game has been improved since Sahara Dream. I'm glad you added a wraith, and all of the structures seem really well planned out. I especially like the Ribcage of Doom, the Ramp of Doom, and the Mancannon Ramp of Doom. Not much I can say, considering I have yet to play the map. I mean, I didn't even know you were making it! You should include me in things. Perhaps next time you play this would be a good place to start.
This is a gorgeous map. Did you ghost merge or is the geomerging legit? If so, I'd like to know what technique you use. I love Tremor n mouses, and this looks like the best version I've seen yet. The only thing I don't care for is the honor rules. Do the tremors cause damage? It'll be hard to make sure nobody shoots when being a Tremor.
Oh look, Remember conker? "do a barrell roll, wait, no, do seven barrel rolls." This was really fun, the ramp of doom and bridge of doom were lots of fun to jump off of, i would reccomend anybody who likes cat and mouse/tremors to download this, it is by far the most well playing and best map of its kind and is very much fun to play on. a definite 5/5, Excellent job Conker
This sounds really interesting but i dont really understand what tremors are and what the mices goal is and what the cats job is... can you explain it more or can some of you fellow posters