The concept is great, i love it, but, the splats are too obvious, they need blending. The problem with splats like that is they do not create any flow, and that means that this signature does not have any either.
I was going to leave it with just the outline of the armor and stuff, it seemed too plain... I'll take out the splatters and go from there?
Yeah, now with the splats, always near the focal and too help the flow. On softlight/overlay/low opacity. Another thing to experiment with is: get your pencil tool, choose two colours which match your sig, then do some rough pencil lines near your focal in the direction of your focal. 1 pix. Then go from there.
He lost all of the round edges on him. Looks kinda boxy. The circles next to him look odd and totally contrast while blending with his colors too well.
yup, the thing thats wrong is exactly what hari said. this is especially apparent in the visor, which extends a little beyond where it should anyways. other than that, its awesome.. im seeing lots of vector work around...
Anyone know of any vector tutorials? I want to try. Anywazy, looks pretty good, but the BG doesn't quite match the spartan. Try all white or something. I dunno. Good job, though.