Hello fellow ForgeHub'ers. Yesterday in the chat box, I mentioned I am in need for someone on ForgeHub with a capture card to capture footage of them completing Through The Fire and Flames, 100% (no whammy), on Expert. I am also begginging to wonder if this is even possible. Have any of you even heard of this someone you know completing this feat? Thanks! -Skill Caster
Well maybe if the person practiced it every day and has really fast fingers, but there are so many notes and it goes so fast it's almost impossible. Maybe someone can do it one in a million tries, but not consistently...
The only time I've seen it on YouTube was a hack, he built and programmed a micro-controller for his 360. He plugged in the SD card into the controller, and viola.
I think that it's a really dumb thing to obsess over, even though so many people do, sort of like getting your 50 in Halo(not as bad, I think), or celebrities. For most humans, the only way would be to mod it, but I suppose some one could hypothetically do it. But, "what if" questions are essentially unanswerable, you always end up having to wait and see.
Maybe you could use cheats or something because I don't think its possible to do it 100% good luck though.
It hasn't officially been done yet. iamchris4life is your best bet with a -30 run, But he is one of the best players out there along with hellsashes and PriestMLH. Any other claims are almost definitely false, with a .001 % chance of being true. http://www.scorehero.com/rankings.php?group=4&game=0&diff=4&song=1279
I will not believe anyone has gotten 100% in TTFAF on Expert until I see a video of the actual person and the screen. I doubt anyone has fast enough fingers for the song.
man, whoever actually finishes Trough the Fire and the Flames on Expert 100% must reaaally really hate his fingers to put them trough so much pain......then again, im sure ladies would dig those magical fingers.... ...ladies ;]
I've never seen a person 100% it without cheats. It's highly possible anyone who ever says they did it, use a bot or something of the sorts. I can barely beat it on expert myself.
EASY EXPERT FTW.. not. but people use PC bots to do it. nobody has done it 100 and i cant find ONE 100 either
I'm sure not EVERYONE uses bots, I will agree with you that some if not most of the people who say they have beaten it on expert 100% are using bots, But come on now.. I'm sure there is some little kid who plays this game 23 hours a day and is crazy good at it. Besides you don't think the creators of this game haven't played it enough to perfect it?
WOW THIS GUY IS LEGIT http://youtube.com/watch?v=ig6ClFm_yhM Hes sick, some of this stuff he does is amazing, check it out!