similer to the post your picture thread,except,you post your school. links,pics,what ever. And for the curios,I was bored at the time I made this thread!!!!!1!!!!1! its my school A good majority of the site isnt finished,
Wait... you're in elementary school? Also, One of the shittiest schools in Florida. There is like 3 electives.
yep,kindergarten through 8th and 250 people. If you think thats a low number,I remember one year there was on;y 160 people.
Yeah! That's my school. EDIT: It's actually half a school and it's located to the left of this picture. They tore down half the school and we're getting a new one.
My school is so not pro... Even though it seems like we would have some short of pride screaming out "Central Warriors", we don't. We have some of the worst pep rallies it's not even funny. No one really has school spirit anymore. Then again, who does? The High School Although, it is like the best school/safest school in all of Memphis City Schools it still has it's problems. I'm not really happy where I am now even though I was fine in 9th grade, now I just want to switch. Get a change of pace and environment is always good every once in awhile, right?
If you need me, I'll be busy booking flights to all these locations and packing giant Pedobear posters in my luggage.
We had a pep rally the first week of school for each individual class and when I got in there, they were like "YEAH YOU GUYS ARE THE CLASS OF '12 W00T W00T W00T... now go back to class". Was kind of dumb.
Super stalker like thread, oh well. Carmel High School One of the biggest high schools in the nation. Biggest high school in Indiana. Over 4500 students grades 9-12.
... THAT WAS YOU? But seriously first day, someone plastered "I CAN'T FAP TO THIS" posters on the school walls... Oh BTW, Home | Winston Knoll Collegiate
Before I got homeschooled: Shelby Valley THey have the CRAPPIEST web designers for that ever! but This will be spot for picture of new school. Which is my house.
I go to Beckman High School in Irvine California. ahhhh, any miley cyrus fans? lol, my friend James's sister one a miley sized surprise. So my school was on MTV for anyone who saw. lol, at the end the kid in the wife beater is james. Wakey-Wakey! It's Miley C For Goodness Sakey! | Video | MTV Spoiler School website Beckman High School - Tustin Unified School District
James Meehan High School. Got around 400 Students. Pretty cheap looking school. We have bars on our windows that makes us look like a jail. D: I'd go to a better one but I'm to big of a ***** to make new friends.
Holliston High School in Holliston, Massachusetts. Its obviously a public school and we have 1000+ students.