Always Remember The Lost Ones 9/11 was a horrible day across the planet. We lost 2,000+ on that day. Many people lost friends or family there. My firend alex lost his uncle in the aftermath. His uncle was a Fire Fighter looking for survivors in the wreckage of the towers. He will always be remembered by me and many other people. Many other friends of mine lost someone there also. It was a tragic day when a Plane crashed into the frist tower. But then a second tower also. Then the Pentagon was hit. But what I remember the most was the one that was planned to hit the Nation Capitol. The people on the plane knew they were going to die either way, so they fought the terrorists for control of the plane and landed it on a field near the capitol. Thay all died in a fight to stop terrorism. They will always be rembered. I belive they should be recognized by everyone. I will remember everyone in this attack, with the thought that they did not die in vain, they died foghting for something. Chronology 8:46 AM Plane crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center. 9:03 AM Plane crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center. 9:17 AM The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) shuts down all New York City area airports. 9:21 AM The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) halts all flights at U.S. airports. It is the first time in history that air traffic has been halted nationwide. 9:38 AM Plane crashes into the Pentagon. Evacuation begins immediately. 9:45 AM The White House evacuates. 10:05 AM The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses. 10:10 AM A portion of the Pentagon collapses. 10:10 AM Plane crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. 10:22 AM The State and Justice Departments, as well as the World Bank are evacuated. 10:28 AM The World Trade Center's north tower collapses. 10:45 AM All federal office buildings in Washington, D.C. are evacuated. 1:44 PM Five warships and two aircraft carriers are ordered to leave the U.S. Naval Station in Norfolk, Virginia to protect the East Coast. 4:10 PM Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapses. World Trade Center 2,823 (includes airline passengers) Pentagon 125 (not including plane victims) Flight 11 92 people on board Flight 175 64 people on board Flight 77 64 people on board Flight 93 44 people on board Fighting to end Terrorism. If you or someone you know lost someone post on this Topic. State their name, how they were taken, and whatever else is neccesary. The 2009 memorial. Two lights, one from each base. Remember 9/11 Spoiler
Let's not make this into a conspiracy thread either guys. This is just to remember those who were lost on the day. I had a friend in the Trade Centers, one of my uncles.
):< In all seriousness, whoever was behind 9/11, that many people should never have to die for no reason. Why did you wait until today to post this?
My guess would be because no one else did anything so he did it today. Twas a sad day, I was only in 2nd grade when it happened.
I was in first grade when it happened. When the second plane hit, you could feel/hear a sonic boom. I live in Staten Island, which is directly under Manhatten, so it was definitely scary. Me being in first grade though didn't exactly know what was going on. I was the first person to be taken home from school, and an hour later my Dad came home. I remember watching on live television the towers falling. I now know I witnessed innocent lives lost, right there on television. R.I.P all those who were lost.
I was in third grade. The really scary part for me was that my dad was going to be away on a business trip in the mainland US, and we didn't know if he'd also be attacked. As it turned out, they cancelled his flight anyways.
I didnt know anyone in the towers,but I remember the day it happened. I was in kindergarten,and the next day we made drawing to remember the lost,even though it wa along time ago,and I didnt know it happened until that afternoon,you just cant forget something like that.
I was in First Grade. I live in Arizona so it was very far away. I was very little then. My mom woke me up and showed me the news. I did not know what a terrorist was. I now know and hate with a passion. I plan on joining the airforce to help end terrorism. Honestly, I still want to cry when I think about that day and who was lost. I am almost 15 and I wrestle. Thank you all.
I don't even remember what grade I was at the time, I was young, maybe 5 or 6, but I remember waking up and my family watching a live news broadcast about the attack, and I remember seeing one of the towers fall. It looked so real, yet it looked like it was part of a movie. I didn't know what to feel, so I didn't. I understood the tragedy more and more as I grew up though.
i dont remember what grade it was, but i guess i was eight, almost nine. i remember i was in the doctors office at the time, i was sick that whole week. i remember my mom got a call from her friend while we were in the waiting room and she told me that a plane crashed in NY and nobody really knows whats going on. and i was at that same doctors office yesterday(the 11th) at about the same time. weird.
I was in 2nd grade when this happened and I remember a teacher coming in to our classroom who had lost a relative in the attack. I hope the victims R.I.P.
I was around 7 or 8 when this happened. I was unsure of what was going on when I heard about it. As I grew older I finally understood what actually happened and how big of a tragedy it really is. I hope the lost souls R.I.P
I was in second grade and I just remember I didn't find out til I got home from school, my mom was watching in horror in our den and I freaked out because my Dad works in the city and he was there that day. But he was ok. He said he was on the train into the city at the time and everyone on the train began to scream when they saw the first tower struck and then the second one. I remember no one I knew lost anyone, but my sister's friend lost her entire family, her parents and brother, in the attack and had to move in with her Grandma. Seeing them in movies and shows from before 2001 is almost freaky to look at.
I was in the 3rd grade. I remember my entire class watching the news all morning. I saw the first tower get struck at home before school and the second when I entered the classroom. My uncle was in the Pentagon when it was hit. Thankfully he was working in a different wing and wasn't injured. A lot of my incle's friends where hurt or killed in it though. I remember this day like it was yesterday.
Third grade. Woke up in the morning, turned on the tv to watch cartoons, my brother stopped at Fox News and the moment we saw it he ran upstairs to my parents. They didn't believe us. It really seemed like an unreal event, sadly it was very real.
It was 4th grade. I missed y bus transfer, and a girl told the bus driver that these buildings were hit by jets. I thought little of it. I got to school, twas a substitute. Old lady. She told us about it, and I wasn't really that astonished until I came home. Saw the television. That's when it hit me, the enormity of it. R.I.P. victims.
Which idiot tagged this "the worst day in america"? That's hilarious. Anwyays, 9/11 *cough* 11/9 *cough, cough* Anyways, it wasn't really a big deal, a few thousand people died in a day, in a pretty nasty way but **** happens and more people die on a a daily basis from other causes... Pit about the buildings, though...