Not sure if anyone posted this yet, but I searched for it and didn't find anything about it. But here you go. Halo 3 ODST Spoiler Do you know what the code is?
arrghh i put in wrong year bymistake and got denied EDIT: i got in and no i count find a code im shure someone will
I've been looking for those numbers as well. What is so important that they block it? It's gonna drive me crazy. It's nice incite into the guys we're gonna be playing as in ODST.
The codes don't work properly anyways. It just says access granted and nothing happens. Just go on youtube and search 'ODST evaluation hidden'
It opens it in a pop-up. You can move the camera 360 degrees around the interrogation room. Make sure pop-up blocking isn't interfering with them Or, you could just go to the YouTube link.