MLG PULSE v1 Designed & Created by: Legend Blaze Recommended Players: 4v4 or 3v3 Gametype Needed: MLG CTF Pulse v1 Pulse is a 4v4 Mlg style Ctf Map, I have been working on this map for approximately 10 monts, Just Forging on it whenever i got the spare time, I designed this map to Feel More defensively CTF based compared to other Maps out there, I also took time creating alot of tactical jumps to add to the gameplay feel of the map. The map itself is 100% symetrical including adding replica garage doors directly opposite the two on foundrys wall. The middle complex has 4 double boxes geomerged into the ground to act as ramps which lead to top mid, The bases include a large basement where most of the spawns are located to offer cover when spawning, And as for weapons There are 8 spare brs, 2 carbines and a mauler. There are many ways to run the flag on this map and alot of tactics involved for the fastest routes, Weapon information and screenshots are below. The weapons placed on Pulse v1 are : Name - Quantity on Map - Respawn Time - Extra Clips - Locations Battle Rifle - 8 - 30 - 2 (2 On the outer egdes of each base) Carbine - 2 - 90 - 2 (1 at each tower) Mauler - 1 - 120 - 1 (1 top mid) Frag Grenades - 8 - 30 (2 at each base box) Sticky Grenades - 4 - 30 (2 Under each Middle box) Overview Screnshots: Closeups: Tactical Jumps: Download MLG Pulse v1 Download MLG CTF Pulse v1
Very nice map i like the jump and slanted walls to get up on boxes. well thought out, well forged 5/5
I love the middle. The 2 boxes are something ive never seen before, genius. The only bad thing i can see is that you are able to move around to fast. you can gain top control in about 2 sec, there are just to many ways to get to the top. (but thats just a thought, i will test it over the next couple of days)
This is brilliant! best mlg foundry map ive seen in a long time. I like the whole design it looks like it was well thought out. I can see this getting featured and hopefully replacing piece of **** onslaught in matchmaking. Ill download and comment on gameplay when i get my xbox back. Good job
This is like one of those maps you'd see in matchmaking. No, really, it's extremely reminiscent of Amplified on Onslaught, while still maintaining originality.
this map is very well merged, i like the corner boxed flag spawn, however, the slayer format i thought needed some workk, maybe add powerups or a maybe a mualer to amp up the gameplay
huh? There is a mauler on the map, And I havn't made the map MLG slayer compatible yet, I designed it for flag, However i will probably add a slayer variant in v2..
very well done Blaze. quality amplifiedesque mlg maps are hard to find these days, but you really hit the nail on the head with this one. the forging is really well done, and showcases your skill with the geomerge nicely; everything is clean cut, and organic. the map also has the tell-tale mlg flow to it (ie jumps, ledges, LOS), which is crucial to gameplay. you have my dl good sir
Wow...simply incredible. It looks as good or better than the official MLG maps in mathcmaking. And looks very original. Weapon placement sounds good and balanced and I love ghow you put a lot of thought into tactical jumps ect... And the geomerging and interlocking look perfect! You definitly have my DL.
Thank you very much for the feedback you have given thus far, those comments really mean alot to me, I thought after getting such comments I'd go and post it at , So far the comments are much less positive, lol... Confusing to say the least. My post MLG Pulse v1 - MLG Forums
I play tested it tonight, and i loved it ^^ it plays not as intense as onslaught, but its still one of the best mlg foundary maps i have ever seen, im looking forward to play lots of customs on pulse, thanks for forging it =)