You know how ODST is coming out on the 22[sup]nd[/sup]? Obviously... Well, my school is having a break, fall break, the week of the 21[sup]st[/sup], and I was planning on going to the midnight GameStop opening to get it(I already haz pre-order). While there I plan on buying Guitar Hero 5, which will get me Guitar Hero Van Halen for free, Van Halen being the best band EVER!, and preordering Call of Duty (2*): Modern Warfare 2 Hardened Edition, which will get me the original Call of Duty for free. This thread is not to comment on the actual games, but to post if any of you have similar ideas in mind. Pre-ordered Halo 3: ODST -Get to pick it up and go Buy Guitar Hero 5 -Get Van Halen for free Put down pre-order for MW2 -Gets CoD1 for free Is that not a great idea? *I heard somewhere that for some reason, since Modern Warfare 2 is a 2, and Call of Duty 2 has already been made, it's supposed to technically be called CoD2:MW2, but I don't know, that's why it's been posted parenthetically.
When you buy GH5 DO NOT THROW AWAY THE RECEIPT!!!! w/o the receipt you wont be able to get van halen....I already found out the hard way. =(
Thanks for the heads up. I thought that it was the code on the manual that gave you the game, or is that just over the computer? Is GH 5 worth it in your opinion, or am I getting it for the VH deal?
wow you lucky bastard. I have a half day NEXT tuesday, why can't they delay it for one week, please! So I have to call gamestop and tell them to hold it for me until the weekend...
Wait, how is this a great plan? Wouldn't it be the same as going in on any random day and doing all that stuff? And yes, GH5 is definitely worth the money. Keep in mind though that there is no band set available with it.
Yes you still need the code on the manual and the receipt and also the sticker thats on the box, its all explained when you go on to get it.
GH5 is pretty good, but if you have the money it would be best to go ahead and buy it. You have to have all the information sent in and they have to receive it before October 1st in order for you to get Van Halen for free. Be sure to keep your receipt and the little sticker that comes on it.
My birthday's on the 23rd, so I'm gonna get ODST and then pre-order MW2 and then, get Battlefield: Bad Company (in anticipation for BC2) then get microsoft points so I can get the add-ons for GTA4 and download BF1943 and the new **** Zombies map pack (haven't yet) then get CoD4 (again) and download the map packs and buying the two new ones that I think still cost 800.