Mythic DLC Shovelspoon's Map Pack!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Shovelspoon, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. Shovelspoon

    Shovelspoon Ancient
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    Shovelspoon's Maps!
    My first attempt at professional forging, I hope you like. Actually my first time posting a map. Send me some feedback please, let me know about any bugs or anything

    Download Phobia
    Download Caged In
    Download Conflux
    Download Conquest Gametype

    Download Splice
    Download Splice: ctf ver
    Phobia is an asymmetrical map meant for slayer or team slayer. The main part of the map is a 5 story pyramid, with the 1st and 2nd floors connected by a grav lift and a hole to drop down from. Each floor has some sort of power weapon inside it. I must admit that this is a sloppy looking map, but it does play well. Since it seems most people spend their time outside the pyramid, I was thinking about making another map like it in the skybubble, making less room and making you die when you fall.

    Phobia Pics



    Caged In is a symmetrical map meant for any free for all gametype, that is made up of two levels: the cage, and the halls. The cage is the top section of the map, which you either spawn in or get teleported into from the halls. In the middle of the cage, there is a pit. Inside this pit are two teleporters that lead to the four teleporters in the halls. Also there is a shotgun and 2 maulers in the pit. The halls are the lower level of the map. In each corner of the halls, there are weapons and equipment, and also a teleporter that leads to one of the teleporters in the cage. Caged In is set up for FFA oddball, FFA King of the hill, and slayer.

    Caged In Pics



    Conflux is a conquest map in the skybubble, my first attempt at one, anyway. Each team starts in a trench and goes up a grav lift into their first territory, which has SMG’s, Plasma Rifles, and Magnums, 2 of each. The passageway into the next room is split up into a fork, each path containing a spiker. The next room has a needler, a battle rifle, 2 frag grenades, and a spike grenade. Along the entrance to the next tunnel, there is a sniper rifle with only 4 bullets. The middle territory is also the highest point of the map, which doesn’t have walls, though it’s not too easy to fall off. The territory itself is the platform in the center of the room, where one lone brute shot is located. Now, getting up to the middle room is quite hard when the other team has control of it, so I added a little something. When there is 30 seconds remaining in the round, mancannons spawn on the right hand side of the tunnel, which can let the team break though and claim that top room. I know technically a conquest map needs to have a 90 degree turn somewhere, but this map flows very smoothly in a conquest game. Conflux is also set up for King of the Hill, team slayer, and oddball.

    Conflux Pics

    Red Spawn


    Blue Spawn​


    Red Middle​

    Blue Middle
    Middle territory

    Splice is a symmetrical map also in the skybubble, and I have made 2 versions of it to accommodate different gametypes. The original Splice is a team slayer or king of the hill map. Splice: ctf ver is the same thing, except with some spawns moved/removed, and walls and a kill ball added to the top section, which sets up the map for ctf and assault. As for weapons, there are no power weapons, besides a needler in the lower half of the map, suspended over a hole. There are battle rifles, SMG’s, carbines, maulers, and energy pistols on each team’s side.

    Splice Pics






    Well, those are my maps, let me know what you think. You can send me a friend request {gt= Shovelspoon} if you want to play sometime.
    #1 Shovelspoon, Sep 9, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  2. Dantheburger

    Dantheburger Ancient
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    Congrats on your First post, and nice job with it. 4 Maps, all well forged by the pictures, and the post is set out as it should, with pictures and everything. Good Job. The url code should be [ url='whatever' ]Download 'whatever' here[ /url ] . Except without spaces.

    Now, the maps.
    Not a normal concept for a map, and I have seen it before, but the forging looks solid, from the screens at least. If I were you I would maybe try and add some stuff around the outside. Basic geometry, bases maybe? think about it.
    Caged In
    A fine idea, but the teleporters are generally not a good idea. Many people at Forgehub dismiss any competitive map that has teleporters. I, however, do not. Unless of course the pit can only be escaped through them, which would make camping an issue.
    For a first time poster, a Conflict map is generally out of the question, being that they are had to build. The weapons look right for a map, but maybe more screen shots of just the territories themselves and a few less action shots. Someone obviously did their homework from the Book of Conquest!
    The geometry of the map looks interesting, particularly the hole at the bottom. Well forged I must say, but the hole looks a little large. Maybe make it more of a slit shape than a cross? Also, I would consider maulers a power weapon, like a little shotgun.

    For a first post this is epic. Will DL first three now. No space for Splice atm, Lol.
  3. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Nice idea, moderate realization, solid forging, not my type of map ...

    Caged In

    Wow, a ring with a pit and some teleporters? I cant find anything else on our pictures, it would take 30 minutes for a average forger to make this map. + Why is there no interlocking?


    I cant se anything on your pictures, so i dont judge the map before i play tested it (i probably never will ...)


    The hole looks great, the rest average. And again, im not able to see anything on your pictures, try to take them from "better" angle next time.

    Overall a decent Mappack, with some good ideas. I would have made just one map, but thats just me ^^ (+ lolz @ professional forging)
    #3 LD, Sep 9, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  4. Shovelspoon

    Shovelspoon Ancient
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    Thanks for the quick responses, I'll be updating the screenshots sometime tonight hopefully, and gonna fix the post itself soon. I'm going to start construction on the next version of phobia in the sk soon. And as for interlocking, I didn't see a reason to interlock the whole map, as it is kinda small and simple. I DID do all these maps in about 3 weeks, so they probably aren't as intricate or smooth as some of the other maps up here, but they do work, and so far anyone I've shown the maps to really liked plaing on them. {I also lol'ed at Professional forging, couldn't find the word. Maybe I should have said 'serious'}
    #4 Shovelspoon, Sep 9, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2009
  5. dafatdude243

    dafatdude243 Ancient
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    Wow, you are a hypocrite.

    There's no need to be a **** now.
  6. Shovelspoon

    Shovelspoon Ancient
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    Fixed pics and links, and here's a sneak peek at what I'm doing now. Started it wednesday and it's almost finished.

  7. Tequilha

    Tequilha Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good map pack like splice but starighten things up a bit and get more pictures good job 4/5

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