Asymmetrically rats nest map set up for 1 sided objectives and FFAs. I need about 8 people sometime this weekend to test.
I could test depending on the time you wanna do it. I love what you did with the place, and I'd be happy to help you test. gt: Krazy Kumquat
Dammit you used 2 bridges and interlocked them with the door frame opening up to the cliff side and put a shield door their because after placing them you saw that a vehicle can still get through them. I am doing the same thing lol it is a door that looks like its closing but is made so only people and go to and fro damit haha. Oh btw i'd love to test im also making a Rats Nest map so just pm or i'll pm you on live or something K?
Nice geomerging, how did you do that without doors or window panels to push the objects into the ground? - i know theres a technique but ive never had to learn it because ive allways used doors :|
I'd love to test this out. Whenever your ready just send me a invite, or friends request. (please say that your from forge hub or I will decline it) GT is xPromekx