So I was trying out the new geomerge/interlocking technique and accidentally stumbled upon this: YouTube - Halo 3 anti-gravity with immovable objects. I first stumbled upon it by trying to do the glitch to a small object, then once the second one respawned on it, it became anti-gravity. With larger objects, you have to let go of the one you're holding but make sure it's interlocked with the second one, then hold it again and SHAZAM! Also, letting go of the object will make the anti-gravity one dissappear. I haven't tried seeing what happens when you delete it though.... I'm pretty sure I'm the first to find this.
I've never seen this before, but I don't forge much really. Does the antigrav stay in customs? I can't really see a use for it but it's pretty cool nonetheless, nice find.
No, it works pretty much like the anti-gravity vehicle glitch. If someone found a way that it would, that'd be awesome.
Not really new, everyone knew the ghost of the old one would just float around till you released the object you were holding. If you found a way to make moveable objects stay floating that would be pretty cool.
But wasn't he pushing it around? (Although I doubt it)If the item stays like that i customs, I have a few ideas for it already.
I just mentioned this in the main topic about this glitch. I even have a video of it in my file share. lol.
I found this out when my friend and i were doing the glitch. He was holding the glitched object and I stood ontop of the floaiting one. your body weight actually effects where the block goes so its fun for forge wars. It ended abruptly though when my friend rammed his block against mine and I fell to the ground..