Hello All,:happy: I've recently thought up story lines, and background information about various Marines/UNSC Units. And i are now, wondering if someone with the talent, could create me a drawing or graphics about one, Heres a description on how i want him. Rank : Senior Command Major Appear on a badge or shoulder, if possible, not big fussed. Armour: M52B Body Armour, No Helmet/Items on the face. : VZG7 Armoured Boots Weapon: Moddified M6C/SOCOM \Modded with a Green Laser Aiming Module, instead of the Red.\ Characteristics: Medium Skinned, A bit lighter then Sargent Johnson. American/Caucasian Facial Features. Male, Medium/Ear Length Brown Hair. Most information can be found on Halo.Wikia or google search it. Hope to see feedback, and progress. Thanks in advanced.:haha:
If you're gonna post this in the screenshot forum, wouldn't it be cool if there was a SCREENSHOT in your thread?
Ah. Dont wanna sound bossy, but this'd probably be better off in the Graphics and Arts section. I'm pretty sure someone would accept a request. You might wanna ask a moderator (person with blue names) to move this to the GnA section.
The Rock is the only guy in existence ever who fits that race. He is a member of a one-of-a-kind race. You need The Rock! Lol, just pratting around. This seems a little too ambitious to happen. But it's worth keeping the thread alive.
Yeh, that would've been a good example. Thanks for the Move. Althought i've got no results back, yet.
The kind of skill required to draw or render something of this detail and magnitude is far beyond myself and anyone i have ever seen on this forum unfortunately.
I'll try and not be lazy and give it a try, but that's highly unlikely. And you're going to have to give people time. Be patient. Or just ask people from deviant art.