Hey guys, i was working on this map a month ago ALOT, so i kinda got tired of forging. After a break, i realize how close i really am to finishing this thing, but i just cant do it by myself. I want my partner to have at least made one good race map(interlocked). My map is a race map were the main theme is a volcano. Alright here is a preview of what my map is so far: Here is the starting point, it is set to after 10 seconds, the gate opens and you can go: The first jump and loop(this is not completley perfect yet, i have an extra block, huge so i should be able to fix that): Alright now the end i kinda rushed, so it might need to be redone. But what i was thinking so far is that it goes through the volcano(just make a hole), then it spirals around to the top. It will make a small jump over the top. Then depending on how much objects we have left over, i was thinking we should make a big man cannon jump that works every time that leads back to the beggining. Alright one more thing i should add, the workplace is VERY messy. I am using a OLN money glitched canvas. So sometimes i had to spawn every single object or whenever i interlocked it, i couldnt use them any more. Also that happened at the begging and sadly i lost shield doors. So that could lead to some problems, one of them being how my last thing is to sharp so we probably will have to redo it. My gamertag is Deltakiller352(ive regretted the name ever since i made it)
Id be happy to help you forge the rest of the map, however I get my xbox by in about 2 weeks so that my be a problem, and ive never made a race track before but i am in the middle if one and i believe its just as good as all the other racetracks you see. The map looks great so far but i dont think you should make the track spiral around the volcano. the volcano is simply to small so when you move around it the turns will be extreemly sharp. I think you should make a jump over the top of the volcano. A cool effect to do would be making confette maker in the volcano. So when you jump over it bits of pallet are flying up at you. To make a confette maker just place a man cannon under a kill ball and set a couple of pallets, on instant respawn, just about the man cannon. Anyway good luck
sorry brave, dont really think thats gonna work because i was hoping it would be done by then. Now that you mention it, i think your right i probably wont have it spiral around.
The fact that you lost shield doors is a real problem. This is why I always have several versions of any map that I am making. I also money glitch my maps towards the end. Again, the loss of the shield doors is a deal breaker. That's too bad. The map looks pretty cool.
I could help. I made a couple racetracks that ended up well (not posted). and this one looks really interesting.
Sucks i dont have shield doors dream. but so far, i havent needed them once. Alrthough were i am right now, i kinda do. But ill find a way around it, infact i think i already know how im gonna do it. Also i dont like shield doors in the fact that they have nothing to do with volcanoes and would look random. And used man, add me sometime my GT is deltakiller352 and i want to see some of your maps first though before we start getting to work. And i really want someone thats very good at making a smooth racetrack. Also just to let you know, since its budget glitched, we cant work on it at the same time.