Original Forgers Be Summoned

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Benzu Akamaru, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Hey, this is Benzu13. I'll get to the point so you don't have to read as much. I'm wishing to start an unofficial forging group called Original Productions, this would be my name for a forging group.

    What is Original Productions?
    I'd like it to be a Production company of forgers that help each other to make up original/possibly outrageous maps. So if you're looking to get you're ideas made, this is where it's at. By Originality, don't think of a mini-game company. No, the idea is to pump maps out that are rather competitive but with a mini-game twist to each of them, such as Distortion.

    How to join?

    1. You can join as one (or possibly two) of two forger classes. Designers will come up with ideas to make maps, and oversee the production of their map. Crafters are the people that get the job done. As a crafter it's your responsibility to follow the Designer's intentions, as you may come up with some stuff on your own, don't overthrow the Designer.
    2. Reasons to be a Crafter is that you can earn a reputation for making awesome maps, as one person alone might not come up with something that great even if they're good at interlocking/merging. But be warned, Crafters need to know their stuff, as we won't send children to do men's work.
    3. If you are interested in joining, you will have to earn it. If you wish to join as a Designer, you must imput two original ideas, one being a mini-game concept and one being an idea to work into a competitive map. If you wish to be a Crafter, you must personally send me a map that you have built, I will evaluate it, and depending will allow admittance. Once in you will be paired in a Designer/Crafter duo.
    More info-
    If you wish to join, you can submit on this post, but be sure to send me a message on XBOX LIVE optionally in the format of a friend request, but be sure to identify that you want to be part of Originality Studios.

    This is NOT a place where you submit ideas and get them done for you, as if you want this you will have to be a member and fortunately have a Crafter in stock to work with you.

    This is unofficial, so a website isn't necessary (although it would be nice...), you can work separate from me and other members of Originality Studios, just be sure to clarify your work is an Originality Studios production if you ever submit your work to a forging website.

    And Remember...
    Crafters are needed just as much as Designers! Chances are that every crappy forger has a few good ideas to work with, so I will only be able to enlist an even number of Crafters as Designers, as an imbalance would defeat the purpose.

    Please give input, as many of you here are needed.

    Current members-
    1. Benzu13 designer
    2. Philthyphillup crafter
    3. cluckingho10 crafter
    4. THE SPECINATOR designer
    5. RedNeckSniper93 crafter
    6. DieHardAssassin designer
    7. MickRaider designer

    In case you were wishing to join... okay, great! But it would REALLY help if anyone here was a graphic designer or knows a graphic designer, because OriginalityStudios needs a logo to attatch to all members' signatures.
    #1 Benzu Akamaru, Sep 10, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2009
  2. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    I'm very interested in being a crafter. Time constraints may cause me to work around my schedule, but that should be fine. My pride and joy will be released this weekend, so I'll have good reason for being a crafter (ghost merging not used... lol). So we'll see how it goes then.
  3. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    Designer please. I have tons inside my head, but sadly my forging skills lack most of the time. (hopefully ghost merging will change that.)
  4. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    I really like this idea. I can see some good maps coming out of this. I would like to sign up as a crafter but i wont be able to forge for about 4 weeks at most. I am a very skilled forger and if you want to see a map of mine click on the picture in my signature. Ive only made a few maps but i believe i could be very valuable to the team. The only bad thing i see in this is what if you get teamed with a designer who has a idea that you dont like??
  5. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Sorta like Paradox Forgers, right? If so, then cool but lol i cant be either a designer or a crafter
  6. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    I'll enter as a Craffter. I am a busy person so this would half to work around my schedule but I could deffinitly find time. I've actually been looking for a map to forge. This might be the place. If this goes well I'll apply in a later post.
  7. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    Ill sign up for crafting.
  8. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I have personally reviewed the map you have sent me, and congrats. You're our first crafter. Now, I'll be sure to edit my post to show you're in. As for all you others, be sure to show me your maps and ideas if you want in.
  9. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Uh Guess I'll be crafter. Not to be a pain but I cant post a link cuz im on my ipod so check out Evasion in my File share if you want...
  10. Aaronator

    Aaronator Ancient
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    If I want to be a designer what do u want me to do?

    No sketchup though.
  11. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Maybe go into a forge game with the crafter and you boss him around and tell him what to do
  12. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I can be a designer. I have a lot of map ideas but not enough time to forge them all.
  13. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, okay. One at a time, please. Just remember that if you want to join, send me a private message on xbox live. And you MUST input these two ideas if you want to be a designer, otherwise I won't know the extent of your imagination.

    Oh yeah, and MickRaider... you'd have to stand as a crafter. Of course you can also be a designer, but from the links you truly look like the ideal crafting parter.
    #13 Benzu Akamaru, Sep 11, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  14. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Well I don't have time to make all my ideas let alone other peoples. If you don't want me as a designer than I'm sure I could find someone else to make my ideas :p

    Plus all my maps are competitive in nature, I don't really do minigames.
    #14 Vincent Torre, Sep 11, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  15. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    As first I read this I believed it was beckoning us from the origination of forgehub. Even if I didn't post or have an account I was here...

    Anyway, I'd like to join but neither position suits me. However, I do have spare time on my hands and I would glady create multitudes of canvases, specialized of course, for your use. I am finishing up a map on standoff, and of which from small changes allows a base blocked off canvas. So might I qualify for a position if any? My first goal for the mythics is to make some blocked off area canvases anyway. Obviously Heretic is hopless but I can make something of Longhsore and Citadel for possible uses in your maps.

    THE SPEC1NAT0R Ancient
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    I think this is a good idea. I think I would like to be a Designer. There are already lots of people that want to be crafters and I am good at building but not great. I have to many good ideas that turn out bad because I am not a perfect crafter. Any way my maps I would like you to look at are in my signature. Sky Wars is more a minigame and Tower Defence is more competitive minigame like. I have always loved minigames and can't wait to see what people make.
    by the way I won't be able to get on until later this week.
  17. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    FINE! You can be a Designer... plus help with crafting. It seems awefully wasteful for a person with featured maps not even help with the map. So anyway, what are some Ideas? Competitive maps... being that mini-games are not your strongsuit... got any ideas to share?
  18. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    You can't force him to craft if he doesn't want to. It's his decision, not yours.
  19. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    This is brilliant. I have a map that is completely some of my amazing ideas, and one that I decided not to finish, because I started it without the OLN canvas, so I ran out of peices. If you want to see Vita Nova, its somewhere in here as a preveiw... Ill find it eventually and put it as slot 5 on my fileshare. The random idea map is called Osiris, and I will upload it to my fileshare at slot 6 by the end of the night as well. If you check around six, they should both be up.

    In case you didnt get it, i woud love to be a designer.
  20. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It'd be helpful if you PM'd me the idea(s) of your map instead of telling me to visit the preview. Because I might not get all of your ideas or the main picture from just looking at... pictures. Also, most people here didn't regard that I said you need to send me 2 ideas. I've been leniant so far.

    By the way THE SPECINATOR, you're included. Even though you sent just one idea it seemed to me you'd work out as a pretty good designer. So just be sure to be online enough for this program.

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